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Old 03/18/16, 10:06 PM   #4
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Jason cried out "All right Rita Zordon told us about your son, and what happened to him. You have your son back now leave Earth alone". Rita mocked "Well Zordon sure knows how to pick them. I'm afraid it's 10,000,000 years too late".

Rita continued "Right now everyone including your pitiful parents is under my misery spell, and soon I'll have enough negative energy to finally bring an end to Zordon, and his legacy in the most beautiful way possible".

Zack cried out "Please Rita this between you, and us leave our parents, and everyone else in Angel Grove out of it". Rita mocked "I'm afraid not Rangers now I call forth Cyclopsis". Then a volcanic explosion occurred in downtown Angel Grove.

Out of the explosion erupted a giant white humanoid robot with a single green eye, and a giant gold horn. Rita then called out "Now son why don't you show the Rangers your new toy". Thrax said "All right mom".

Thrax jumped, and now he was wearing a blue flight suit with silver armor over it, and a green visor on one eye. Thrax then transformed into blue fire, and entered Cyclopsis. Jason called out "We need Dinozord power". Then the Dinozords appeared, and quickly combined into the Megazord.
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