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Old 03/18/16, 09:58 PM   #9
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Jason teleported into the Dark Dimension but Goldar was already there. Goldar mocked "Hello old friend this is a most unexpected pleasure. But if you think you're gonna get the green candle that easily you've got another thing coming". Then Goldar tried to stab, and slash Jason while Jason punched, and kicked Goldar.

In the Island of Isllusion Billy, Zack, and Quagmire appeared. Then Millennia's magic mountain appeared, and Billy said "Look it's Millennia's magic mountain". Zack said "Let's hurry". The Rangers got up, and Millennia said "Ah Billy, Zack what brings you here?".

Billy explained "Millennia Rita used some kind of magic wax to make a candle to steal Tommy's powers. Zordon said you made it to stop Lord Zedd is there anyway to stop it". Millennia explained "Unfortunately once the candle is linked to the coin, and burns out nothing can be done". Millennia continued "However whoever has the powers can choose someone else to have the powers".
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