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Old 03/18/16, 09:57 PM   #7
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At the Command Center the Rangers, and the others had finally finished working on Billy's machines. Billy said "There that should do it the molecular decoders are ready. Now we just need to get to the park, and we can go to Rita's dimension".

The Rangers teleported off, and landed in the park. Bulk, and Skull were walking around when they noticed the Rangers. Bulk said "Hey what are those dweebs doing?". Bulk, and Skull walked up to the Rangers, and Bulk demanded "Hey geekazoids this is our private park".

Billy went up to them, and said "Actually gentlemen this a public park. Anyone can come". Skull retorted "Yeah anyone except you lame ohs". Kim said "Knock it off guys we're working". Bulk looked at the devices they were carrying, and said "Hey what are those things? Tell me now, or better yet I'll take them".

Bulk tried to run at the Rangers, and take the devices but everytime he did the Rangers ran out of the way, and eventually he ran into Skull, and a trash can, and they both rolled down the hill. The Rangers activated the devices, and Jason said "Okay guys I'm going in". Then Jason entered the portal.

Zack then called out "Hey Quagmire we're ready". Then teleported in, and said "Well let's not be slow to the island we go". Zack said "Okay Kimberly, Trini hold these until Jason gets back". Kimberly agreed "Got it", and Zack, and Billy teleported with Quagmire.
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