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Old 03/18/16, 09:55 PM   #6
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Power Rangers Dino Episode 18

The Green Candle Part 2

Written by Justin Best

At the Command Center Tommy asked "So how do I go into the Dark Dimension?". Zordon explained "You don't. You're prescence in the Dark Dimension will only serve to accelerate the process". Jason said "I'll go". Tommy said "No way man it's too dangerous".

Jason assured him "Hey I'm the only other Ranger whose been there I know what I'm doing". Tommy said "But we still don't know how to get in there". Billy said "Not quite I can get a lock on the Super Putties' molecular patterns from when they teleported Tommy to the Dark Dimension, and build a device that can take us there".

Zordon agreed "An excellent idea Billy. Another solution would be to find who created the candle in the first place". Tommy said "How do we do that?". Zordon explained "Just call Quagmire". Then Quagmire, and Nemo teleported in.

Quagmire asked "Say my name and I appear. Now what calls Quagmire here?". Tommy explained "Quagmire Rita's made some magic candle out of some magic wax to drain my powers, and Zordon says you know who made it".

Nemo explained "Yeah my mom made it". Jason said "You mean Millennia?". Nemo explained "Yes if you go back to the Island of Illusion I'm sure mother will know how to prevent the candle from stealing Tommy's powers".

Quagmire agreed "If there's a way to keep Tommy's green glow. I'm sure Millennia would know". Jason said "Okay first Billy has to get a lock on the Dark Dimension then we'll help him make the device to go there. Then I go into the Dark Dimension, and get the candle while Zack, and Billy go to the Island of Illusion to see if Millennia can help". Everyone else nodded.

Last edited by Zabitan; 11/18/17 at 08:02 PM.
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