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Old 02/24/16, 09:54 AM   #160
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Jason called out "I'm sorry we have to do this Tommy but Zordon says we have to stop you before you, and Rita destroy the world". Then Tommy jumped out of his Dragonzord, and Jason got out of the Tyrannosaurus.

Tommy put the Dragon Dagger, and the Sword of Darkness together, and fired a laser at Jason. Then the two of them started clashing their weapons, and stabbed, and slashed each other. Jason brought out his blade blaster, and started firing at Tommy.

But Tommy started playing his Dragon Dagger, and a force field came from his Dragon Shield, and reflected Jason's lasers back at him. But Jason was undaunted, kept slashing at Tommy. Then he charged his sword with red energy, and fired it at Tommy knocking, the Dragon Dagger, and the Sword of Darkness from his hands.
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