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Old 02/24/16, 09:53 AM   #159
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Then the Tyrannosaurus Zord, and the Dragonzord started punching, kicking, and tail whipping each other. Jason called out "Tommy you don't know what you're doing". But the Dragonzord kept attacking the Tyrannosaurus.

Jason called out "Guy's I'm in trouble. We need Megazord Power". Then the Zords combined into the Megazord which then started punching, kicking, and slashing the Dragonzord. But the Dragonzord just punched, kicked, and tail whipped the Megazord.

The Megazord then picked up the Dragonzord by it's tail, and threw it into a mountain reducing the mountain to rubble. Jason called out "Tommy surrender now we can help you" but Tommy rebutted "No way".
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