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Old 02/18/16, 09:20 PM   #150
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Jason agreed “Isn’t the smallest chance a reason alone to keep fighting”. Then there was a blip on the console, and Alpha cheered “Aye ye ye it worked” Kimberly asked “What did?” Alpha explained “Earlier Tommy tried to destroy the Command Center again”.

He continued “However I was able to trap him in an energy barrier, and I tried to run a scan for a way to destroy his powers”. Billy asked “What did you find?”. Alpha explained “All this time Zordon, Quagmire, and I believed that the Power Coin, and the Morpher were the source of Rita’s spell”.

Then he pointed to the Viewing Globe, and showed an image of Tommy as the Green Ranger, and had a red square highlight the Sword of Darknes, and explained “But the stronget sources of dark magic were coming from this sword”. Zack cried out “No way”.

To be concluded.

Welp only one more to go everybody.
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