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Old 02/13/16, 04:11 PM   #108
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

The Dinzords became the Dino Tank, and later the Megazord. The Megazord, and Goldar clashed weapons. Then Goldar did a jump kick at the Megazord but the Rangers were undaunted, and just kept punching, and slashing at Goldar.

Meanwhile in the cave Tommy got to a door. The two were excited, and Nemo explained “All right Tommy you just have to go in there, and you’ll become the Green Ranger”. Tommy gladly said “All right I’ll complete this challenge, and Ill prove myself to Zordon, and your father”.

Tommy entered the room, and saw a Power Morpher laying on pedestal next to a strange looking sword, and the remains of an old knight. Tommy said “Woah there it is”.

But when he went up to the pedestal the entire room caught fire, and the skeleton of the old knight fired lasers from it’s eyes at Tommy.
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