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Old 02/13/16, 03:39 PM   #88
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Then the coin started spinning at impossible speeds building green electricity until the electricity created a giant ball. In the ball was a fuzzy image but the image became clearer, and clearer until the boy could make out who it was.

But unbeknownst to the boy someone else was watching. For Rita was seeing this exact same image in her crystal ball. Rita smiled evilly, and gloated “That boy has no idea what he’s doing”. She added “When that boy does what I think he’s going to do I’ll destroy the Power Rangers once and for all”.

At the hut the image faded, and the coin slowed down to a complete stop. The coin then built up more green electricity, and teleported out of the hut. The boy saw this, and said “Oh boy I’ve got to find them, and tell them the good news”, and the boy teleported off into blue energy.
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