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Old 02/11/16, 12:25 AM   #81
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Then Bulk, and Skull came in, and Bulk demanded “Hey can turn us back to normal?”. Skull parroted “Yeah normal”. Zack was skeptical “I don’t know maybe this will teach them a lesson”. Trini agreed “Like not to mess with other people’s property”.

But Billy relented, and begrudgingly said “All right”. Then Bulk, and Skull got back in the machine, and after they went through the surge they got out, and Bulk took back his hat, and asked “Did it work?”. Skull parroted “Yeah did it work?”

Then they realized it did, and started cheering “Yeah we’re back”. Then Skull put his arm around Billy, and asked “So Billy can I borrow your brain for my next math test?”. But Billy took it off, and scoffed “I guess some people just never learn”.

The End.

Author’s Note: All right that’s gonna be my last filler episode for a while. Next up it’s my first multi parter Green with Evil. Unless someone can think of a filler episode from before then they want me to tackle.

Even then I might just change one thing like an American on foot fight, or making them more like the Zyuranger episodes or something. But until then it’s Green with Evil.
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