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Old 02/09/16, 08:51 PM   #53
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

The Rangers tried to attack Snizzard with their Blade Blasters in blade mode but they had not effect. Then they tried firing lasers from their Blade Blasters in gun mode but the golden apple on his head reflected the blast at the Rangers.
Trini explained “That apple on his head it reflected our attacks”.

Then the Rangers tried punching, and kicking the Snizzard but he just punched, kicked, and tail whipped them as he quipped “Now you shall taste MY fire power”.

Back on the plane Kimberly was still worried “Alpha I’m headed towards the mountains”. Alpha then explained “Just take your controls, and bank 20 degrees to the left. It should take you 45 seconds to complete a 180 turn”.

Just then Alpha got a message from Jason telling Alpha “Alpha we’re having a hard time defeating Rita’s monster we need Kimberly”. While the viewing globe showed that some of the kids with apples on their heads were now completely encased in the apples.
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