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Old 02/09/16, 08:48 PM   #9
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At her palace Rita was watching this, and came up with another plan “So Kimberly’s going flying then. Well what goes up I can bring down” She bragged. “Squatt I want you to go down, and slip some sleeping potion in her uncle’s soda.” She ordered. “Right away your awfulness” Squatt said.

Rita continued “And with one less Ranger I’ll send down a monster to take care of the rest”. Goldar agreed, and added “Yes, and I know the perfect one the Snizzard”. Goldar then explained “He can spit out deadly cobras to drain the Rangers’ powers”. He further explained “Not only that but he can fire arrows that are laced with seeds from the apple on his head, and make apple trees grow on people’s heads”.

Babboo added “Then the apples will drain the life force from them as the apples grow, and when the apples are ripe they’ll trap the people inside”, and Squatt added “Then Babboo, and I will take them, and you can eat them to get their youth, and beauty”.

Rita was pleased “Yes that’s perfect” “Finster” she ordered. But Finster was right ahead of her “One Snizzard coming up” he said as he activated the monster matic, and out exploded a gold, and green humanoid lizard creature with a bow, and arrow, a golden apple on it’s head, and snakes coming out of it’s body.

Squatt then teleported down to Earth, and pulled out a vial of green liquid, and poured it into Steve’s can as he said “Man this sleeping potion is so potent it’s making me sleepy just pouring it”. Then when the vial was empty Squatt then teleported before anyone could see him.
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