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Old 06/23/15, 09:22 PM   #7
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Kaitlin explains what happened, and JB tries to contact Ryan but something about the other dimension blocks communication so they go to the lab.

In the other dimension Ryan finds Nebraska Smith who has found a pyramid, and plans to enter it.

But Doom Master appears with two rocks he puts together, and they shoot a laser that turns Nebraska Smith into a statue.

Doom Master then tries to do the same to Ryan but he dodges, and transforms, and the laser bounces off, and hits Doom Master forcing him to retreat.

At the lab the Professor explains what we already know, and explains that he, and Tyler Steele found the Box of Isis before Nebraska Smith.

He also explains that they used it to create the VR Trooper powers, and we see a flashback of Steele, and Hart finding the Box of Isis.

Then Ziktor in disguise appears with his secretaries, and they steal the Box of Isis, and Grimlord uses it to transform into Grimlord, and shoots a laser at Hart.

Hart then explains that that's why he's a only a virtual image now, and not long after that Grimlord, and his minions kidnapped Steele.

In the other dimension Ryan enters a cave full of Easter Island heads, and a weird pyramid with a stone slab for a door.

Ryan tries to scan it but can't so he tries to force the door but it explodes without opening so Ryan tries firing his laser but the pyramid fires an arrow at him.

At the lab JB, and Kaitlin decide to go back to the archeological site to find a way to find Ryan while in the other dimension Doom Master appears, and he, and Ryan have a sword battle.

Grimlord watches on his monitor, and orders the fight be taken to the Indigo Sector where Doom Master attacks with bad breath (not joking), and spitting fireballs.

Then Doom Master shrinks down, and he, and Ryan go back to sword fighting but Doom Master uses a shockwave so Ryan fires his laser but it doesn't work.

At the archeological site JB, and Kaitlin use the Box of Isis, and the portal to the Isis dimension appears so they enter it.

Oraclon explains what's going on to Grimlord so he sends Doom Master, and Ryan back to the Isis dimension.

Ryan tries to warn JB, and Kaitlin but Doom Master turns them into statues, and teleports away.

To be continued.
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