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Old 06/14/15, 10:15 PM   #2
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Default Re: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Seasons 2 and 3

In reality it was Season 2 that had the badly spliced footage and not Season 3 and a lot of that had to do with them not wanting to re-shoot Zyu2 monsters' Giant battles as well as in some cases not having the Gorma Monster suits that they needed in order to film new footage so they had to make do with what they could use in terms of the Gorma Monsters.

Kimberly/Kat as Kakuranger's Ninja White wouldn't have worked since they had already made Tommy into a leader who was a popular figure in the fandom and therefore had to remain not only as the leader but also as a Ranger during that time period... on top of which there was just too much footage of Ninja White taking charge way too much because she was the leader in Kakuranger.

No I personally couldn't see them ever having Kimberly or Kat lead the Rangers and I couldn't see them having Rocky lead the team either since as long as Tommy was anywhere around he'd be a Ranger in some form he would never go to the level that Billy did in Zeo it's just not something that is physically in Tommy's character and it's just not something that he is physically capable of.
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