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Old 03/02/15, 09:49 AM   #6
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 16

Vekar: I need a plan that will destroy the rangers once and for all....them rangers are not going to stop me from conquering this planet.

Levira: I have a plan but it involves the yellow ranger.

Damaras: I have plan to but it involves the blue ranger.

Vekar: I don't care whose plans are used just get the rangers out of the way.

*Flashes of lighting causing the ship to shake*

Vekar: Levira....whats going on?

Levira: Its not me....Demaras?

Damaras: Its not me either...sire.

*The lighting stops and out came Skatana*

Skatana: You miss me...

Levira: I thought you were destroyed at the hands of the blue ranger....

Skatana: That is what I want everyone to think but really I been recharging and plotting a rematch with the blue ranger.

Demaras: You had your just let us down again.

Skatana: The blue ranger just got lucky last time...this time it will be different because this time I know his weakness.

Vekar: Weakness?

Skatana: Yes his weakness....while I have been away I've been observing the blue ranger as well as the yellow ranger.

Vekar: Keep talking....

Skatana: The blue ranger's weakness is the yellow ranger...take her out of the picture and he will fall to me as well as the rest of the rangers.

Demaras: Your forgetting about the rest of the rangers....they will stop you before you can separate one of their own.

Skatana: They can try....but I have a secret weapon just for this.

Vekar: Then what are you waiting for....go to earth and destroy the rangers.

Skatana: *Nods and walks away disappearing*

*Appears on earth*

Now to make Vekar proud and to bring my plan to action...

*Hides around a corner in an abandon warehouse*

Goes for a nice quiet walk thinking about Noah and how happy we are can't wait to tell the others the good news.

*Leaves my lab*

Says to self: I can't focus...I need to go get air out my head.

*Goes outside and sees Gia walking*


*Runs to catch up with her*

Hey whats going on?

Just enjoying a nice quiet walk and can't wait til the others hear our good news.

*Jake was playing soccer and he looks over seeing Troy on his run, he picks up his soccer ball and runs up to follow Troy*

Hey man what are you doing out on you're running training stuff Mind if i join ya then?

Troy stops as Jake runs up to him

"Not at all"

*Emma was in the forest taking pictures and humming to herself*

Troy stops as he see's Jake running up

Yeah, Sure if you like.

*Jake puts his soccer ball in his backpack after catching up with Troy*

Sorry was just bored and saw you out on your run, so figured why not join my leader.

*He laughs*

Been to quiet lately.

Yeah I know...I can't wait either.

*Holds Gia's hand as we walk*

Mumbles to self: I got you now rangers"

*As I keep hiding around the corner*

I wonder what they will say or just be happy i never want to lose you even if they try to keep us apart we will always find our way back to each other.

Yeah exactly.

*Looks at you and hugs you tightly*

*Emma walks out of the forest and to the city looking for her friends*

Troy see's Emma walking.

*Kisses you back*

Do you think they will try to keep us apart cause i never want to lose you and really can't wait to marry you.

*Emma looks around and sees Troy but also sees Noah and Gia and continues to walk*

Troy sighs then keeps walking.

*Throws a dagger at a tree just in between Noah and Gia with a note attach to it*


Jumps back pushing Gia back as well*

What was that.

Takes the note from the dagger and reads it Noah you might want to read this Hands you the note.

This can't be....uhh....Gia we have a might want to call the others.

Ok i will call them i don't want to lose you Gets my morpher Guys you might want to come here we have a problem.
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