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Old 03/02/15, 09:46 AM   #3
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Megaforce Chapter 13

*Appears in the city Terrizing the citizens*

Bluefur: Ha ha away....

Bigs: Yes and call for help.

*Laughs as well*

*Emma was walking out of the forest and into the city enjoying the warm sun*

Was back there finding the last pieces picks them up puts them in my backpack and moves more rocks finds more and puts them in and even more rocks and puts the last pieces in keeps looking to see if there are more closes my backpack keeps looking.

*Went to the school to work on my experiment and hear the cries and screams*

Whats going on over there...

*Runs towards where the screams is coming from and sees Bluefur and Bigs*

Oh no not these guys again...i better call for help...

Bluefur: Bigs look is the blue geek...

*Bigs looks over at Noah*

Bigs: Well well well well if it isn't the blue ranger to the rescue...where your friends at this time.

*Emma pulls out her morpher and calls Noah*

Noah where are you i'm in the city.

*Jake was at soccer ball practice*

Emma you and the others might want to get over now because we got the double the trouble...

*Inserts my change card*

I may be alone but I won't be for friends will show up to help....


On my way.

*Inserts my card charger*

Go Go Mega Force, Mega force Pink runs to where Noah is*

Not again.

*Inserts my Phoenix shot card*

Phoenix shot activate.

*Didn't hear anything cause he was practicing*

Bluefur: 2 rangers now...this is going to be easy.

Noah just remember you, Troy, Gosei and Gia are the only ones that now my secret.

Bigs: Lets make Vrak proud and eliminate these power geeks.

Who are you calling a geek.

*Looks at Noah*

No offense Noah.

*Blasts them*


*Activates my sharkbow gun*

Sharkbow gun.

*Blasts them as well*

*Bigs turns transparent and Bluefur swats off the blast*

Bigs: Is that all you got...power dorks.

*Sits down near my morpher*

Noah it's not working, I'll call Jake.

*Calls Jake*

Jake where are you Noah and I need help.

Keeps looking to see if i missed any other pieces looks around but doesn't see anyone and goes back to looking.

*Picks it up*

On my way.

*Runs and inserts my card*

GO GO MEGAFORCE! *Morphs* Megaforce Black!

*Runs to their location*

I call Gia...

Gia where you at? we need your help.

Glad to see you Jake there back and look stronger than ever, I have to tell you something Noah, and the others now I'm pregnant.

*Jumps behind them*

Someone call the snake? yo...Your w....What? No way congratulations.

Thanks let's show these creeps who not to mess with.

Answers the call I will be there soon just gotta finish something.

Bluefur: Bigs the whole team is almost here...lets spring the trap now and we can finish off the red ranger when he come to save them.

*Looks at Jake and Noah*

I don't like the sound of that.

Neither do I.

I don't either. Let's show em guys.

*Bigs eyes glows and he use his staff to trigger a magnetic cage trapping the rangers inside*

Ahh! What is this!?.

What the, I don't know but maybe we can try to blast our way out.

No Emma don't...this looks like...but how.

*Touches the sides and shocks me*

It is what I thought.

What is it Noah.

What is it buddy?.

Its a magnetic cage...and any power we throw at it bounces back at us.

*I look at Noah*

So if I try to blast the cage it hits us back.

Bigs: Correct blue I guess you are the brains of the team...

What about my Axe?.

*Looks at them*

What does that make the rest of us you big ugly blue freak.

Bluefur: This is why we call you the blue geek...

*Both of them laugh*

Noah don't listen to them they're just trying to mess with you, you better shut up cause once I get out of here you'll be sorry for caging us.

Your axe is even strike from your axe into the sides can destroy us all...they knew what they were doing...and who you calling a blue geek.

*Punches the side and blows me on my butt*

Whoa careful there buddy.

*Helps Noah up*

So how are we going to do this?.

*Both of them laugh*

Bluefur: There is nothing you can do except call for your precious leader...

Bigs: Yeah for the red ranger.

You don't tell us what to do you ugly insects.

Guys maybe we should call for Troy...because the only way out is to defeat them.

Let me outta here and i'll show ya guys a thing or two!.

Bluefur: Pink ranger who do you think your calling a insect....

*Grips my club tighter*

I guess your right.

*Places my hand on Jake's*

Calm down, and you that's what you are.

Bigs: Bluefur don't let the pink ranger get to you...remember the plan.

*Tries to hold him back*

Emma keep doing what your doing...its working.

I hate feeling like this Emma. Guys we have to but i know it's a trap.

GO GO MEGAFORCE....MEGAFORCE RED Dragon sword activate.

Gets there and blasts them.


*Both get hit*

Bluefur: Ha that only tickles red ranger...

Bigs: Its about time red ranger we were about to have your friends for dinner.

Troy hurry, you are the ugliest insects Vrak ever chose to beat us humans.

Troy be out it maybe a trap for you to.

Not going to happen.

Gets out the new blaster Gia gave me aims it at them blasting them hard.

*Bluefur Swats off the blast and Bigs turns transparent*

Bluefur: Ha is that all you got.

*Hits the red ranger with my club*


Woo you go Troy!.

Bigs: *Zaps the red ranger while he's in the air*

Jake be careful you don't hit your fist.

Uses my blaster and the one Gia gave me blasting them at the sametime.

Oh good thinking that would hurt.



Troy can get us out of here I want to teach these insects a lesson.

*Bluefur Swats off the blast again and it went through Bigs again*

Blufur: That other blaster looks familar.


*Crunches knuckle*

I'm needing to squash.

Bigs: Yeah it does...but the red ranger keeps trying to use it on us...he will soon find out that alien technology has no effect on us.

Troy those blasters aren't working...I think its time to go ultra.

Bluefur: Blue ranger....quiet over there and no back talk fighting.

Let us out of this cage you big blue ugly freak and to think insects were better looking than you.

Storm Power! Ultra Megaforce Red!.

Uses my ultra sword runs and charges at the hitting them.

Picks up the rocks where the pieces were and takes them I have got to get out of here before i get caught hope i'm not to late.

Let us out.

*Bigs traps the red ranger with a magnetic beam from his staff*

Not so just gave us just what we wanted.


Noah how did you know that it was a trap, come over here you big blue insect.

Bluefur: Hold him there...while I get the device ready.

*Looks over a the pink ranger as I was walking over to get the device*

I'm watching you, if you hurt him I'm personally kicking your big ugly butt.

Bluefur: Pink called me a insect the last time.

*Stomps my foot triggering the cage to shut down*


Hey ugly and uglier you two bugs need a one big boot!!.


Emma you did it...lets get out of here and help free Troy.

*Blasts Bigs with my bow gun*

Aren't we missing someone.

*Inserts card*

Snake axe! Oh i'm going to enjoy this!.

She's busy.

*Grabs my Phoenix shot and fires at the beam*

Be careful Jake.

*Bigs takes the hit from Noah*

Ahhh...Bluefur you big just freed the rangers.

I will Emma.

*Runs towards them with my axe*

Bluefur: The pink ranger just got me so angry...and now shes going to pay.

*Runs at the pink ranger and attacks her with my club*

*Dodges the attack*

Nice try.

*Fires my weapon at him*

Hey Bigs guess who!.

*Hits Bigs with my axe*

*Bluefur knocks away the blast*

You have to try harder then that as well pink ranger.

Gets my dragon sword and hits him with it.

Leave her alone.

*Bigs gets caught by surprise*


*Falls and vanishes*

*Sits on my knees and takes off my helmet and fans myself*

Bluefur: Oooh...look easy target.

*Gets ready to hit Emma with my club*

Em you ok.

Walks over to her.

Yeah just tired.

Blufur: *Runs over to the red ranger*

Red ranger...I got something for you.

*Hits him with my club*

Oh that felt good.


Troy noooo.

*Flies in the air and shoots Bluefur with my bow gun*

Back off you big footed freak.

Bluefur: Ahhh....

*Falls and vanishes*

Still looking around to make sure i have all the pieces before i leave Picks up more rocks moving them looking very carefully to see if i missed anything.

*Emma powers down and lays down near the trees in the city*

Troy sits on the beach.

*Powers down and drops to my knees*

*Looks over at Noah*

Noah you alright.,

*Looks away and throws him a bottle of water and than throws up*

*Looks over at Emma*

Yeah I'm fine just took a lot out of me is all...since they are gone I'm going to go lay down.

Alright good idea if I fall alseep have someone wake me up.

*Falls asleep on the tree*

*Gets up to my feet and stumbles off on to home*

*Sleeps near the trees and rests peacefully*

Keeps moving rocks to look for more pieces not leaving til i have them all.

Troy thinks as he looks at the water.

*Looks at everyone*

*Emma slowly wakes up and sees Jake*

Hi Jake.

What happened?.

*Looks sad*

They dissappeared and Noah went home to sleep, I fell asleep here Gia's around somewhere and Troy went to the beach.

Oh and i didn't help.

Help how.

*At home resting in my bed*
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