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Old 03/02/15, 09:16 AM   #7
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 27

Lauren: You will get used to them plus Antonio can help you.

*Attaches the red lion disc to the fire smasher runs at him hitting him hard*

Never underestimate me....

Jayden: *Attaches the silver lightning disk to his silver blade and charges it and fires it at psy red*

Psy Red: *Gets hit by both attacks*


*Goes down and gets back up*

Your not the only one with a trick up his sleeves....

*Fire starts in his hand and out form another sword*

Yes red ranger...I found a way to harness your double fire smasher power.

*Performs double blazing strike to both red and silver rangers*

Psy Black: you got them now....since you got both of them I'm going to look for the gold ranger....I'm going to take him out before he get a chance to regain his strength.

Psy Yellow: You keep them busy...I'm going after the yellow ranger to finish her off.

Psy Blue: not with out me....I'm want the blue I'm coming with to find him.

Psy Pink: I'm staying here because my ranger is still here..

*Charges at the pink ranger*

Psy Green: *Flashes in out of no where*

Psy Rangers...I really hope you left me the green ranger...after all we have some unfinished business....

*Flashes out to look for the green ranger follow by psy black, yellow, and blue*

For now just you Feels it goes down tries getting up puts my spin sword down and slowly leans on it to hold my balance if you ever touch Antonio again i will destroy you for good psy green tried destroying me but he couldn't neither can you i will make sure of that.

Gets hit then falls.

Psy Yellow your not going after my sister or my brother in law.

*Serena pulls out her blaster and fires calls Mike*

Mike it's Serena I need u and Em to get Antonio and the kids out of the house Psy Yellow gree and black are on there way to destroy you all.
*Em feels the house shake and looks at Mike* Mike think u can handle psy green while I get the kids somewhere safe
*Serena pulls out her blaster*

Psy Yellow: Don't make me hurt you...I cam for the yellow ranger.

*Fires at Serena*

You have to go through me first.

*Blocks it*

Psy Blue: Where is the blue ranger.

*Starts destroying the house looking for the blue ranger*

Psy Black: *Appears in front of the gold ranger*

Ha ha ha I found you gold ranger...your mine.

*Pulls back the covers and no one was there*

What the...where is the gold ranger.

On my way.

Kev let's try our moves with our fan and bow from a distance.

*Looks from around the corner and pulls out my morpher*

Gold Power!!!

*Streaks back and forth hitting psy black*

Looking for someone...

Go go samurai green samurai.

*Em feels the house shake and looks at Mike*

Mike think you can handle psy green while I get the kids somewhere safe.

Yes hurry.

Be careful I'll be back as soon as I can.

*Grabs the kids and there stuff and heads for the schools daycare and drops them off*

Be good mommy will be back later to get you.

*Runs back home*

Psy Yellow: Human your going to....

*Notice the yellow ranger trying to run*

I got you now yellow ranger.

*Jumps up and fires at the yellow ranger*

Em watch out.

*Tries to get to Emily*

Leave her alone.

Block it you won't touch her.

*She sees Mike and Serena*

Thanks I don't know if I have enough strength to fight.

Psy Green: *Streaks in grabbing the green ranger and dragging him outside*

We have some unfinished business green ranger...

Jay go help Em I can handle Psy Red You won't destroy my team when i'm here no matter what happens to me.

Bring charges at him slashes him.

Psy Black: *Goes down*

Is that all you got gold ranger....

*Gets up and streaks over to him*

*Streaks towards him as well*

Psy Green: *Blocks the slash and counters it*

You have to do better then that green ranger.

Blocks it kicks him down the hills.

*Charges at her*

Leave my sister alone she's not strong enough to fight.

Psy Pink: *Attacks the pink ranger with psy wind storm*

*Em sees Mike*

Are you alright.

Blocks the attack and uses my sky fan blowing a bigger wind.

Psy Yellow: Then she will be destroyed....

*Streaks over to the yellow ranger grabbing her and throwing her down*

Come on yellow ranger....this planet isn't big enough for the both of us.

Get off me.

*Em tries to kick her off*

Psy Green: *Grabs the green ranger foot bringing him with me down the hill*

Goes down lose my sword.

*Serena looks at Em and back at Mike as he goes over and peers over the cliff*

Mike are you ok, I have to help Em she's in trouble.

*You might need this *Kicks him his sword*

Psy Pink: Whoa....ahhh...

*Gets blown away*

Your wind isn't nearly as strong as mine...

*Creates a tornado with her body and forming another psy wind fan hitting the pink ranger with double the power*

*Em still fighting psy yellow as she saw Mike go off the cliff*

Psy Red: I guess its just you and me red ranger...until the best red wins.

*Charges in with both swords*

*Serena pulls out her zip charger from her arm hitting psy yellow*

I said leave her alone.

Uses my spin sword and sky fan at the sametime.

Psy Black: *Streaks over to the gold ranger slashing him*

Yeah your not going to win i am and you will never destroy my team cause i will always protect them.

*Blocks the slash and hits back with the back slash*

Its over for you psy black.

*Charges my barracuda blades*

Barracuda bite!!!

*Performs barracuda bite hitting psy black*
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