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Old 03/02/15, 09:13 AM   #3
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 23

Dang it guys watch your backs.

Psy Red: Now there is no place to hide and no way to defeat us.


Mike, it's Serena stay with Em these Psy's can read our thoughts we can't defeat them plus they copied Em's power so I can't use hers on yellow keep her there.

*Em gets up*

I have to help Serena she doesn't stand a chance against Psy yellow they copied my power but not hers so she can try and defeat yellow.

Psy Red: we have another trick up our sleeves....psychos.

*We all form a energy blast and combines it and fires it at the rangers*

What the....ahhh....

*Gets blown through a building*

Guys watch out.

*Serena dodges and flips out of the way*

What if we switch colors will that work.

I don't know Mia we don't have yellow.

All five are here we have to switch besides Kev is second in command.

~Kev jumps out of the blast with his Hydro Bow then fires at the Psy's~

Yeah if we switch it should work someone has to go check on Antonio.

I'll go check on him.

*Runs to the building*

Antonio where are you.

*Em looks at Mike*

What did Serena actually tell you.

Just that you were at the park and to check on you.

*Em looks down as tears fall*


~Mike sits next to her~

Em, look at me.

I can't, I don't want you mad at me.

*Wipes my eyes*

Why would i be mad at you?.

Cause of what I did and what Serena didn't tell you.

What did you do?.

After the Moogers were defeated by Lauren, I went home and took a bunch of meds and left the open bottle on the bedside table and fell asleep and a few hours later threw up and washed and came here and dozed off til you came and well the number of pills I took were 5.

What kind?

The ones I take for the pain from giving birth I tried hiding the pain but I went back home while Ant was missing and you all didn't need me so I took 5 of them and fell asleep, I can't face you that's why my back is turned.

*Hands you my samurizer*

Your lucky you woke up Em.

It's not like I'm addicted to them I mean I'm still sore every now and than but I need to help Serena.

I know Em but your not in the right shape to fight yet.

*Sighs and finally looks at you tears in my eyes*

I'm fine, I'll prove to you that I can fight.

Please don't hurt yourself hun.

I'm not I'm fine my sister needs me yellow Psy doesn't have her power she has mine and I'll destroy her myself.

Don't push yourself.

When have I pushed myself.

Em you can't fight the psychos Antonio got hurt worse they can read our thoughts when they touch you they haven't touched me yet you need to stay there if you don't then Mike won't be happy and your kids won't have a mom do you really want to get hurt bad cause if you do we will have to find a new yellow samurai ranger.

Well i'm with you no matter what.
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