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Old 02/22/15, 08:44 PM   #8
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Default Re: The Quasar Sabers

I prefer to like to go with the theory that Zordon was the one that placed them on Mirinoi in fact it's always been my personal belief that he's had some hand in some of the powers.

I believe his Master Plan was to ensure Ranger powers would still exist even after he was gone which is why he allowed the Space Rangers to keep their powers even after the war with the UAE was over since it would allow them to share secrets with Lightspeed Rescue to further improve their technology.

I believe Ninja Storm had some tie in with Zordon at some point.
I would assume Zordon had some tie in with Dino Thunder since Tommy would've needed to get some instructions from Billy and Zordon on how to construct zords.
I would assume S.P.D. would've pioneered their technology from Zordon's.
I would assume Udonna likely would have met Zordon at some point and traded secrets hence how she knew about Mystic Mother previously being Rita.
I would assume Zordon likely would have sent his technology to Hartford, Dr. K, Ji, Gosei and Kendall.
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