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Old 01/26/15, 09:11 PM   #5
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

I still remember when I first heard about this very show back on Labor Day weekend when my family was staying in a hotel on the way to San Francisco when I first saw a commercial for VR Troopers, and I was hooked.

Now at the time I didn’t live in a place that got VR Troopers so for the longest time I had to go off just video tapes, and books until direct downloading, and Youtube became a thing before I actually was able to watch the show in it’s entirety.

Now my whole point is that the very first episode I saw was a video tape I got for my ninth birthday back in 1994, and that tape was this very episode.

That’s right kids this was the first episode of VR Troopers I ever saw so how does it stack up?

Well pretty good all things considered.

I like the plot of using a fake version of the Professor to lead the Troopers onto fake missions designed to distract, and destroy them.

I also liked Metaborg, and his design, and powers since he could transform from a vehicle to a robot like a Transformer.

I also liked seeing Kaitlin’s power transfer ability since she’s the only Trooper who can heal anyone though I think it was an attempt to compensate for not giving her a finisher move.

I think the only thing that really bugged me was the Battle Grid segment, and that was only because it was all recycled footage instead of anything new,

And even then I thought it was interesting to see the Battle Grid fight before the regular Skug fight instead of the usual other way around.

Heck there was nothing useable in the Spielban episode they used that didn’t get carried over so there’s that.

Honestly while I still think Searching for Tyler Steele is the episode I would show someone who never saw VR Troopers before to explain the show I still think this is one of my favorite episodes.

In a perfect universe the tapes would have had two episodes each with one having both parts of The Battle Begins, one having Searching for Tyler Steele, and this episode, the next having The Dogapping, with Lost Memories, then Kaitlin’s Front Page, with Battle for the Books, and finally The Dojo Plot with Oh Brother.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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