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Old 01/06/15, 12:54 PM   #14
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 08/14/11
Posts: 15
Default Re: Update on MMPR Pilot

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt on this sort of thing but you gotta understand at least why people would find something like that hard to believe, at least for something actually approved by Saban. The part about it being approved by Saban, and containing a death scene for an actress that has died IRL just doesn't sound like something they'd support. Personally, I'm not offended by it or anything. Although I certainly understand why people would take issue with it.

If we find out sometime in the future that you're right, some people owe you an apology. But if this never comes to fruition, it goes both ways.

Could it be the case that you think this to be true, but your source is not much of a reputable one, or perhaps they aren't who they say they are?
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