Thread: Spike's Mother
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Old 12/21/14, 11:31 PM   #11
MMPR Forever
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Default Re: Spike's Mother

Originally Posted by MattEmily View Post
I was never a fan of that whole Kimberly/Skull joke anyway based on how she worded her letter to Tommy... she made it sound like she met someone new and not someone she already knew.

Also I think you mean "It's more likely that Skull just met a woman" and I do agree with you there. I can agree both Bulk and Skull as being the type of people that would have a difficult time with settling down.

Sure Kimberly loved him so much that she broke up with him in a letter, that's not love. That's just showing utter lack of respect for him. Kat showed more respect and care towards Tommy than Kimberly ever did.
However I do agree that Spike's Mom was probably someone that we have no clue about.

I actually hadn't thought of that but I'm not sure if you'd consider Trini to be Chinese or not.

I don't, I think he's still on Aquitar since he fell for Cestria.
I hated that they had Kimberly write him that letter. It was a slap in the face to MMPR fans. It killed Zeo for me. Tommy and Kat wasn't right. Kat tried to steal Tommy from Kim the whole time. I don't buy her innocent girl act in Zeo. Who knows maybe she wrote the letter and not Kim. She did learn from Rita after all.
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