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Old 11/18/14, 09:00 PM   #2
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Default Re: Should we need to depend on sentai footage only

You are right... every Power Rangers series has been adapted from a Sentai series and the reason such a thing is necessary is because it saves on money.

It costs about $20,000 for each Monster Suit. Not to mention all of the costs for the Rangers and Mecha Suits and all of those need to have Hero Suits and Stunt Suits.

On top of which there's the salary for creating props when they can't use the toys for whatever reason.

Also they need to have added expenses for repairing props and suits as well as creating sets.

There's absolutely NO chance of Saban ever having their own Power Rangers, whether they wanted to do that or not they legally can't. They're contractually obligated to use Sentai footage otherwise it legally can't be called Power Rangers.

Also on top of which it's not cheap to create zord battles either. It takes a lot of time, work and effort.

Also you can't just say "only fillers" are created by Saban. There's numerous things that were created by Saban or Disney that wasn't in Sentai.

Why don't we go through a list, shall we? Because of how long this list is it will take a few posts and I will separate according to Ranger and villains so that the post isn't so long with both lists being together.
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