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Old 11/17/14, 09:26 PM   #1
Charles RB
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 09/12/11
Posts: 11
Default No character is irreplacable (except the ones that are)

It's a thing that, luckily for PR, has only happened twice: suddenly, without warning, an actor has vanished in the middle of the series. A thing that leads to a hurried character death or the Rangers talking funny & never hanging out with their old friends.

But if that had happened in other series as well, whose absence would have caused the most problems for the show? And who could've been replaced easily? Because I don't think anyone would be too confused if Alycia Purrott had to drop out of SPD suddenly and the Pink Ranger was now, I dunno, S.O.P.H.I.E.*, but imagine if Daniel Ewing caught Youngblood's Disease in the middle of RPM. What the heck would you do with a Dillon-shaped hole in the plot?

* SPD has the biggest advantage here: at any moment, you could bring in a new SPD cadet. There's tons of them.
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