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Old 11/02/14, 11:59 AM   #1
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 09/01/11
Posts: 5
Default time between attacks

In the manga, it seems like there are absurdly long periods where nothing is happening. The Dark Kingdom seems to gather some energy, wait a week or two, then gather more energy. Yes, I understand being strategic and patient but it seems too much at times. Like when the Senshi were planning to go to the Moon in two weeks and the Dark Kingdom did nothing in that time. Not attempts to steal the crystal, no attempts to kill any soldiers, nothing. And it's in the other arcs as well. In some places it is justified but as a whole does it really take that long to set up evil plans? In the original anime, everything seemed to move along fairly quickly and it felt right.

I've just been thinking about this and wanted to see if anyone else had any thoughts.
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