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Old 08/12/12, 03:35 PM   #5
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Default Re: Power Rangers Alternate History

A lot of the "What if?" ideas are interesting such as Jason retrieving the Green Candle in time so that Tommy would have never lost his Green Ranger powers which means there'd be no White Ranger.

No Command Center malfunction which means Rito and the 4 monsters wouldn't have destroyed the Thunderzords.

Originally Posted by Cheetamus Primal View Post
During Dino Thunder the episode where it showed Tommy's video diary about his life as a Power Ranger and the history of the other Power Rangers, it was canon proof that Dino Thunder existed in an alternate continuity to the rest of Power Rangers up to that point or all Disney PR is alternate continuity from the Saban PR.
Neglecting stuff or making things simple does not simply mean "it's not continuity."

Oh, Zack called the Sword of Darkness "the Power Sword" right after Jason destroyed it. So I guess by your standards, that would mean that's not in continuity either?

Originally Posted by PRangerX90 View Post
DinoThunder actually proves that Power Rangers has always been one timeline. "Legacy of Power just had a few errors and condensed the story for time. Doug has made it pretty clear that DinoThunder is not an AU. The only Power Rangers season that could be an AU is SPD. Since Greg said that he thought of it as one. But I am not so sure, since we had a team up. Its possible its an alternate future though.
I agree. I'm sure it was probably intended for SPD to be AU but with the teamup as well as Piggy's appearance in Mystic Force, it's definitely not nowadays.

Originally Posted by Cheetamus Primal View Post
What I have seen disproves Power Rangers has always been one timeline.
So you're trying to claim people that make mistakes are making them to prove they're out-of-continuity? You're trying to say that people that write episodes aren't allowed to make mistakes?

Sure, they've made mistakes, they do it all the time, doesn't mean it's the "end of the world" or it doesn't mean "this proves without a doubt it's not just 1 timeline."

Originally Posted by PRangerX90 View Post
Disney destoryed all the Series Bibles when they took over Power Rangers. But I am sure Sloan, Ann, and Jackie know PR well enough.

I forgot to mention that Tommy most likely lost his Zeo powers after "Forever Red". The video actually makes it sound like all the other Rangers teams have been depowered by DT. I'm not sure whether I believe that fully or not.

The ommisions in Legacy of Power were more time related reasons. I have to watch the episode again. But they weren't really major mistakes. I am sure Tommy has a more complete history written down somewhere.
Wow, that's interesting with the series bible. I had heard of it being destroyed but I doubt Disney's version was the only copy available.

I agree with the video diary. Regardless of what "Forever Red" claimed or implied, the video diary retconned that with Tommy no longer being a Ranger. We have no knowledge as to why. Did he decide to no longer want to be a Ranger? We don't know. We do know however that the video diary claimed that most of the Rangers had retired. It may have been true at the time but some of them likely had a change of heart.

Not to mention the whole Sword of Darkness being called the Power Sword and the Quasar Sabers being called the Galaxy Sabers. It's Tommy who had been known to have a forgetful memory. Not to mention he was just narrating over the history that was being 'retrieved' by whatever system they were using.

Originally Posted by Deltared View Post
Doug would have had to watch TEN YEARS worth of the series in order to keep "perfect info" on that one. I think he'd rather try and work from memory than spend months trying to watch every single important episode of the series. Inconsistencies in the video diary are easily chalked up to variable reasons for them; such as Tommy's own memory, not knowing ALL the facts about things after he left the Rangers in Turbo, and Forever Red itself..Classified. Possibly under some kind of restriction never to discuss it.
Probably not necessarily 10 years of the series since I'm sure Doug remembers a lot from his time on the show. He left during the whole shakeup situation during Turbo so he would have to look through the 2nd half of Turbo to and through Wild Force. Despite the fact most of the crew weren't involved during a lot of those seasons except for Jackie (she only wasn't around for Wild Force) and Koichi (he was around throughout all of those seasons.) However there's bound to be some issues with remembering things and without a series bible to rely on, there's not much you can do.
Sure, you can look up things that you might not be remembering or look at the clips you're putting in to make sure the names of things are correct but who knows why they didn't do that.
The fact of the matter is, with the video diary, they only had so much time so things could only be condensed or neglected. None of the teamups were mentioned no matter how important they were.
Just because they weren't brought up doesn't mean it didn't happen. There was just no time to bring it up. Sure, it'd be nice to bring it up but is it a deal breaker? No, it's not.
You bring up anything additional and something else would have had to be cut or shortened.
They had to include Ninja Storm even though it just happened the previous year.

Originally Posted by psychic ranger View Post
That Zordan was freed from capture and the evil was still there.
That doesn't really mean anything. Zordon only said shattering his "Energy Tube" would destroy the forces of evil. The "forces of evil" can really mean anything someone wants it to mean.
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