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Old 02/21/12, 09:39 PM   #1
Mad Dragon
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 01/29/12
Posts: 88
Default Re: Megazord Cockpits

Well... the Mega Voyager, I believe they were all united in the back end of Mega V2. You can see it when the MV forms.

Mega Winger has its cockpit in the Head.

In PRLG, I don't think they were ever together in a unified cockpit, they all remained inside their own galactabeasts I think.

I can't remember them specifically piloting the other 3 zords on one occassion (Aside form Deviot's remote control) but I assume they had a cockpit if someone wanted to really control them

I'm not sure about many of the others.

SPD though had this whole thing with having no whole cockpit and rather just all the rangers remaining seperate.

I know the Delta Squad Megazord, they all had singular cockpits. They weren't ever together. The same occured with the SWAT.

I assume the Delta Command's Cockpit was in the Head which was located at the back of Base.

Omegamax would be at the back since the back tilts upwards like the DCM.
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