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Old 02/20/12, 10:20 PM   #3
MattEmily's Avatar
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No, Deker is not really dead.

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I haven't gotten around to this yet but this is credited to kyl over at the Funaroboard area.

Here are the known episode titles. The known air date for the episode will be in between these ( ) symbols.

203 - Trading Places (3/3)

Something Fishy
The Rescue
The BullZord
He Ain't Heavy Metal, He's My Brother
Kevin's Choice
Runaway Spike
The Strange Case of the Munchies
A Sticky Situation
Trust Me
The Master Returns

Sounds like "Trading Places" will be Shinkenger 27.
"Something Fishy" will possibly be Shinkenger 28.

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As reported by RangerCrew, here's the description for the episode "Something Fishy."

Antonio's teammates try to help him conquer his new fear of fish. Meanwhile, Master Xandred gains an ally in his plan to flood the planet.

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Here's additional information, as reported by RangerWisdom.

214 - A Crack in the World
The Rangers discover that Serrator's recent attacks have an ulterior motive, to crack open the Earth and let the Sanzu River flood it and thereby become ruler of both worlds.

215 - Stroke of Fate
When Serrator asks Deker to fulfill the final piece of his destructive plans, Antonio begs Deker to reconsider his role in the battle between humans and the Nighlok.

216 - Fight Fire with Fire
The Nighlok Fiera unleashes an overwhelming attack on the Red Ranger but when he goes down another Red Ranger takes his place. Which one is the real Red Ranger? The answer will change the Samurai Rangers forever.

217 - The Great Duel
As the Rangers attempt to adjust to being led by a new Red Ranger, Jayden struggles to find new meaning in his life.

218 - Evil Reborn
Jayden finishes his grand battle against Deker and the other Rangers try to convince him to rejoin their team before Xandred reawakens.

219 - The Sealing Symbol
With Master Xandred back on Earth, the Rangers finally attempt to use the Sealing Symbol to stop him, only to discover that he has a special new defense against it. Now they must rise to the challenge and find a new way to defeat him and save the world.

220 - Samurai Forever
In a climactic battle, the Rangers face off against Master Xandred for the last time.

Last edited by MattEmily; 05/06/12 at 04:34 PM.
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