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Old 01/12/11, 03:13 PM   #7
Delta Red
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Okay, very delayed since I've been busy, but I just had to address this.

Originally Posted by Cheetamus Primal View Post
Doug & Ann are right some of the times, but the show trumps them every time when they contradict each other. It's not a fan saying they are wrong, it is the #@*%!!+ show saying they are wrong by the very fact they wrote an absolutely clear episode that proves them wrong and that DT is set in an AU. If they wanted it to be the same timeline they should have done a better job.

Next moron please stand up and be shot down like the rapid brainless bafoon of a dog just like DeltaRed.
Excuse me? "rapid brainless bafoon of a dog"? Big words for a guy that's generally considered to be an instigator and all around $!@@##%, talking like that to one of the moderators here, thank you. Can you discuss anything without stooping to mudslinging just because someone raised evidence contrary to your "god given" word? Little more than a troll at times you are. Even Funaro is more tactful that you are, and less of a troll in his behavior. And he CAN back up his information with resources of the productions staff of those shows. You're just looking at one episode and saying "I say this, you must all accept this and change your views to mine because I say so."

Word of writers and producers, as well as blatant intent of series trumps word of a fan trying to stir trouble. I saw no contridictions in DT to being in the main PRU, just Tommy ommitting facts, and covering his own ass to make himself look better...and to gush on how "utterly awesome" Andros was. And yes, the series bibles from anything PRE-PRNS were destroyed, we got a LOT of confirmation on this from multiple inside sources. Doug would have had to watch TEN YEARS worth of the series in order to keep "perfect info" on that one. I think he'd rather try and work from memory than spend months trying to watch every single important episode of the series. Inconsistencies in the video diary are easily chalked up to variable reasons for them; such as Tommy's own memory, not knowing ALL the facts about things after he left the Rangers in Turbo, and Forever Red itself..Classified. Possibly under some kind of restriction never to discuss it.

BTW, it's buffoon, not "bafoon". If you wish to look smarter and "better" than everyone else like you act, spell it correctly. Otherwise, you look like just another an idiot.
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