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Old 03/03/08, 11:52 PM   #1
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Probably the weakest of the four episodes so far. It was more built around the action this week. Casey getting poisened really served no purpose. I suppose the title really refered to the arrival of the five worriers.

Its wierd how they all fight together and nearly defeat the Rangers. Yet one of them stupidly goes off on his own and fights the Rangers by themselves. Reminds me of the Psycho Rangers. It does seem a little early for the Rangers to be fighting stronger monsters.

The Ranger's finding out about Jared's fate was interesting. I wonder if Jared is going along with his possession or is he completely subverted? I guess we will find out in the finalie.

Lily watching over Casey is an interesting subplot, but it wasn't really explored enough. Maybe it will be an on going thing.

There wasn't much substance to this episode, outside of the Jared reveal and Casey's new bike debuting ( which was fine). I wonder who the female voice was in the beginning. The one that introduced the monsters as Camille watched.
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