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Old 08/15/06, 05:56 PM   #10
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 09/06/06
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yeah i kinda sorta agree. i love emma to death, and for a while i though i had a relationship with her (not a romantic one, a friends one) cuz of the myspace user who in ever letter i sent was really convincing. im a musician myself so i would ask things like what she did in a typical recording session and that poser gave detailed answers and replied to every letter i sent as i gushed on about how much i looked up to emma

but seriously
the delays i can understand
and i also understand that we're lucky that she's gotten on like, once before

but lets think
even huge stars have the decency to send out preprint autographs, but i sent her a letter in september and nothing has happened

now with the website being down, its tough to keep as much faith in her as usual...

its a little bit like when musicians refuse to perform in their home state anymore

also, lets face it, emma isn't HUGE huge at least not in america, so we're like, her only fans
ya think she could show us a little love?
Toby: Who's the greatest guitarist of all time?

Nick: That'd have to be Jimi.

Toby: You're in.

Amen, Mystic Force Screenwriters, Amen
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