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Old 05/31/06, 03:13 PM   #3
Ranger In Training
Join Date: 03/11/06
Posts: 56

I'm a healthy food eater, it's just that I had gone to "soul sista" a seminar for girls only.It consisted of bands and we prayed, read the bible, got counselled, worshipped God and it was soo amazing.Many girls had problems like weight problems, family matters and such;some were crying.It was sooo sad but assuring that Jesus was actually going to help them. We had to eat dinner there and someone offered to buy me a sweet chilli chicken sandwich in MacDonalds, although not very sure about it I said yes. I actually liked it. ops:

It's true MacDonalds is actually bad for you as it can cause heart diseases, high blood pressure and many more. Can you imagine the salad is actually more fatty than the burger? I guess it must have been really awful for the man . What happened to him?
Hallo nice to meet you.
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