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Old 08/25/06, 02:28 PM   #1
Power Ranger
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Join Date: 01/26/06
Posts: 186
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I land inside the FOS and find out that Martian Manhunter is Scanning Superman with a built-in scanner from outside the ship to see if he's still responding......"i think these might help a little" i handed him the flasks..."let's try the blue one first..." he says as he puts it in the soon as he put the syringe with the blue one in i heard a loud beeping noise.." J'ohn!...What's happening?!" "i don't God. He's going into shock.." I see Superman's face go pale with blue viens disapearing then re- appearing shake as if he was in a convulsion...."Do something quick!" i said screaming at him "Give me the other one!" he said over the noise.. I gave him the pink one and he put it in. Superman's body went back to his normal color. J'ohn starts reading the vitals
"Vital signs are normal. Heartbeat: regular..Body temperature: 98.5 degrees......." I see Superman wake up as if he had a nightmare of something... "Kara? J'ohn? What happened? what are you two doing here?" He says to J'ohn " Aren't you supposed to be in the Watchtower?"
I steped towards him about to say something when J'ohn in terupted and said "Supergirl was worried and she didn't want to leave you alone by your self so she called me down to check if you're ok" I paused glaring at him for a moment then said " Exactly.....Oh by the way, Clark, you should be really happy that i did manage not to hurt Luthor..i'm leaving that part to you and me" i winked. I see him try to get up slowly...but he was in pain so i pushed him down a little "Not yet..I think you got to rest before we pummel him. ok?" " "Fine" he said "Just call Lois and tell her that i'm going to be out for a few days" " Will do."

A few days later...

Superman and i are sitting on top of the Daily Planet with a very nice sunset in the background..
"I almost lost you last week.." i said quietly Superman looks at me with those peircing blue eyes of his and says softly, " I know...if i DID pass away i would've allowed you to tell my secret to Lois and you would've taken full active duty as Supergirl..or Superwoman..." I smiled and said, " I'd still perfer Supergirl..." then i sighed and continued, " Honestly.. if you did die.. I would've killed Lrx..and if i did that i would have to live with his blood spilled onto my hands for the rest of my life..and...seriously.. i REALLY felt like killing him just to get to you.. That's how far i would go." I stood up, wrapped my ape around my self and stared out a head of a few building," The thing is.. I don't know what i would do if you DID die...i mean... I wouldn't.. be able to deal with that.. Y'know?" I started to cry and he hugged me and said " You're getting older day by day...and each time.. i feel like leaving you but i don't want to .. You're like the sister i never had" He takes my face into his hands and lowers himself so he's stareing straight in to my own eyes.. I can see litttle tears well up in his eyes " I love you and always will" i whispered as i hugged him... But our little moment was cut short because i heard a peircing noise a really high whistle " Arrgh!" i grabbed my ears. Superman rushed up to me and asked " What's wrong?" " I don't know but-"... I tried to tell him but I guess i was about to find out because i heard Lex's voice after that.. "Supergirl... I know you can hear this..Too bad your cousin can't.. I have an offer you shouldn't refuse....Meet me at the Lexcorp Building at 10 o'clock sharp..Alone. I have a surprise waiting for you.." Then i heard him chuckle...Superman asked me again "What's wrong? What happened?" "Do you want to hear the good new or the bad news?" i asked him in a worried tone. He folded his arms, looking interested, and said "The good news." I walked around and stopped short and turned my back towards hm "The message wasn't for you." "And the bad news?" He pressed on... "It was Lex, He said he has a surprise waiting for me at 10 o'clock...but that's not all." " What else.." "He...Wanted me.. alone." i said. " Kara! You can't make a deal with a Madman!" I turned around and practically screamed at him "Don't you think i know that?!..." I paused and recollected my self and said " Look i know that...but i HAVE to do it...if i don't then we both know something bad will happen." He paced back and forth for a few hours.There was silence as all of this is going..Well actually there were a few sirens wailing around the city but that's for another story... I see him stop as he sighed and said " Fine. ..but if you need back up just call me or the JLU" He flew a few feet in front of me "Don't worry i will. " i said sitting down...waiting and watching the sunset for the right moment.
Lex Luthor Chapter..or...What really happend with him and that ship...

"I have something for a Lex Luthor" Said a the delivery guy "What is it?" He replied.. "I dunno..." The delivery guy shrugged "...but it's pretty heavy..." "Leave it here" Lex says..The mailman exits and Lex goes to the box and opens it..There's a faint glow coming form the soon as he's a few feet from it it engulfs him and he's bathed in a blue-green glow " I've never felt so much power! " He laughs after the ship spits him out and he's glowing in a blue-green glow with purpulish metal all around him..

I'm adding Parasite to the EVIL LIST...

Introducing Parasite

"Hey, Mac! Time for you breakfast!"said the guard in the Metropolis Assylum. Parasite gobbles the food then grabs the guard through the metal bars, growling at him saying "First off.. No one calls me "Mac" around here..and second, Stop trying to call me "The Flyin'-purple-people-eater" i'm purple, but i don't fly. ok?.." He drops him and he has a wide miscevious grin on his face " But, i do eat people...." he laughs like a maniac and eats the guard whole like one of those big vampire/leech guys you see on the Blade movie series.Then he morphs into the guard..and laughs and says " I just love a LIVE meal" He runs out of the prison towards Metropolis.. .

(fade in)

(open long pan shot over a few buildings to where Supergirl is sitting on the Daily Planet)

Supergirl:(thinking) I know that Superman and i are the two most powerful people on the planet, but sometimes even having Super-powers can be challenging...i mean, it took me a little less time than him to develop my abilities, but defeating all the Supervillans can be difficult with or without them because we're only two people...I need some air...

(she jumps off the ledge, lands on the ground and walks towards GothamCity)

Supergirl: (Continued in thinking mode) I've got to find Oracle..maybe she has some info on how to beat Lex at his game.

(She walks through an alley way where a few thugs are crowded around and talking about her)

Male Thug: Hey Super broad!

(Supergirl ignores him)

Male Thug (continued): Yo! i'm talkin' to you!

(Supergirl stand in place and gets a little aggravated)

Supergirl: Call me that again. I dare you.

Male Thug: What, Super broad? i didn't hear you?

(Supergirl lets loose and grabs his hand about to crush it)

Supergirl: Look i'm havin' a bad day.Belive me you don't wand to make it-

Nightwing (off stage) : Any worse?

(Supergirl looks surprised)

(Nightwing jumps off a ledge and land next to her)

Supergirl: Exactly. So (She says to the thug) Do you want to try to make my day any worse?

(The thug sneers and calls her a Super Broad again)

(she snaps his ring finger then twists around and dislocates his shoulder)

(Supergirl and Nightwing walk away seeing that their job is done and they start talking)

Supergirl: i didn't know you still fight crime here. I though. you do it in Bludhaven.

Nightwing: I do...It's just that Bruce is in the Watchtower in an important emergency meeting with Clark...He wanted me to watch the city for a day...Oh...Speaking of Clark..i heard about what happened between you and Lex.

Supergirl: Oh, Really?

Nightwing: yeah. i know how you feel....I've known Bruce since i worked with him as Robin... i knew my parents while i was in the Gotham Circus. When they died, Bruce took me in and he became my mentor. I know any day now he could croak...

(He smiles)

Supergirl: (thinking) in some ways more than others Nightwing and i are similar....i mean he has a mentor...and i do too...but we're both afraid of losing Clark and Bruce..

Nightwing ( continues): Losing someone we love is the hardest to accept.

Supergirl (Sadly): I know

(They have silence for an awkward moment. Then Supergirl feel the ground shake)

Supergirl: Did you just feel that?

Nightwing: What?

Supergirl: The ground just shook. I felt it move

(Nightwing puts his ear to the ground and listens for any movement)

Nightwing: Yeah i think is coming from-

(Supergirl see's a blinding explosion near the LexcorpBuilding)

Supergirl: Over there.

(Supergirl grabs Nightwing and Super-Speeds towards the explosion)

Supergirl: You're coming with me.

Nightwing: Wait! What? I forgot to tell you i can't deal with really high speeds.....

(Nightwing looks like he's about to hurl b/c he's moving at an incredible speed)

Nightwing: I think i'm gonna barf on the way there

Supergirl: Just don't do it on me, ok?

(Nightwing looks at her for a millisecond but it seems longer, she smiles)

(Supergirl stops a few feet from the building,Nightwing's stomach starts to feel awkward and he barfs in a nearby bush)

Nightwing:(moans) whew. All better

Supergirl: Good, now let's go inside

(Nightwing grabs her for a second)

Nightwing: i almost forgot to tell you...when Bruce was talking to Clark He said that i should look out for you.

Supergirl (in a sarcastic tone): Great.... now I have a babysitter.

Nightwing: it's not that bad...

(they smile at each other and go into the building)

Supergirl: Look i like having the company. But...oh never mind...I’ll tell you later

(She sees a big piece of the building collapse and grabs Nightwing out of the way)

(She scans the building to see if anyone is still inside, she see's someone and

turns Nightwing around and points)

Nightwing: Who's that?

Supergirl: i don't know but i think we're gonna find out.

k new scene

(Parasite's walking down the streets of Metropolis in his officer disguise ..he stops by a telephone booth and decides to call Lex)

Parasite: Hey boss... i'm right by ya.

Lex: good...i have an erand for you. Go to the Metropolis Bank-

Parasite: wait a minute i heard that place is guarded.

Lex: i'm sure you can get in with no problem

Parasite: how much money are we talkin' about?

Lex: More that you can count.

Parastie: okay then what should i do-

Lex (Angry) Rob the BANK you Idoit!

Parasite: fine.. i'll go to you right aftrer to retieve the loot.

( parasite goes to the bank in his officer uniform and walks to the front desk)

Parasite: hi. i'm checking out an account for a Mr. Luthor

Lady: Do you know what the password is?

(parasite gives her a random name and the lady types it in)

Lady (frowns) i'm sorry that wasn't it.

Parasite : fine do you have this one ( he morphs into parasite the lady screams and faints.. a male co-worker rushes to her side and points to the direction of the safe)

Parasite: Thanks

(Superman hears the woman cream from a few miles away and goes to the bank)

Superman: Hey parasite, having fun?

Parasite: Yeah, so much fun that its' to DIE for!

(he gets a big sack and fills some of the Kryptonite ..then he gets a big Chunk of kryptonite andlays it down next to superman, He runs with the bag)

( Superman is breathless and contacts the JL)

( a gfew minutes later)

Lex: So did you get it?

Parasite: yeah, and the big blue boy scout didn't even get in my way.

(awkward silence)

Parasite: So where's the reward?

( Lex gets the Kryptonite and absorbs it and laughs maniacally)

Lex: oh you'll get it..

Parasite: What the-

( he absorbs Parasite)

( the JLU reacxhes Superman and get him to the watchtower)

Sg and nightwing end freeze frame)

Nightwing: Who's that?

Sg : i think were gonna find out.

( lexiac/ parasite...y'know i''l call him EVIL here.. is absorbing the electricity)

Evil: hey, Supergirl!

( sg glares at him)

Evil:guess what? Superman's gonna die in....about 40 seconds.

Nightwing: i hope he's kidding

Sg: so do i

( She knocks Evil through a building instead of staying down Evil gets back up)

Sg: oh boy, Here we go again

( evil knocks her and nightwing outside. Sg grabs Evil by the fist and shoves him backwards into a wall)

Sg : Supergirl calling JLU..JLU pick up.

J'ohn : This is JLU

Sg; J'ohn i need to get up the watchtower

J'ohn: You have an un identifies passenger with y-

Sg: it's nightwing! J'OHN GET ME UP THERE NOW!

J'ohn : ok..ok.

They beam up

SG superspeeds into the main room ans sees Superman on the verge of dying..Batman has his cowl off)

Sg ( in a stern voice) Move.. i need to talk to him.

(Batman lays him on a chair)

Superman: you can tell lois our Secret...and tell her that i love her.

( he dies Sg cries)


Nightwing: i'm so sorry...i'm soo sorry Linda

SG glares out the window and has grited teeth and clenched fists)

sg: Lex is gonna pay.

Bruce: You can't beat that thing.

Sg : Oh really?! Have you forgotten something, Bruce?! i'm his cousin! i have Super-powers unlike you!..Both of you know how other people feel when they lose someone they love.

Bruce: I know..but you can't change what just happened.. no one can

SG: believe me, when it comes to change i can deal with it... now.. move

(some of the memebers hold her back)

SG: let go of me!

( she breaks free and Super speeds towards Earth)

(Sg hovers next to Lex's window..Evil is there and She's ticked off)


( She grabs him and slams him into the concrete he flips around and punches her. she reacts and drags him through the concrete into a few buldings)

"Watch out for the flying monkeys!"
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