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PrimoPiccolo 07/20/06 04:56 PM

Did Season 3 sell the Digimon Sovereign short?
The Digimon Sovereign are the four Mega Digimon guardians of the entire Digital World, so their power is obviously great.??Azulongmon tells us that they created Calumon to give the light of Digivolution and save their world from the D-Reaper.??This light of course gives the Tamers' Digimon the power to Digivolve the first time, and once Calumon goes back to the Digital World, he's able to make every Digimon there Digivolve to their Mega levels so everyone can fight D-Reaper together.??They fail somewhat, since D-Reaper starts attacking the real world, so as a gift, the Sovereign send Dobermon to give the Tamers their Biomerge powers.

That's all well and good, but looking back at Season 2, Azulongmon's the only one of the four that appears, and he ends up playing such a large role.??He saves the DigiDestined from BlackWarGreymon, actually managing to enlighten the brute a bit before he takes off.??He tells the kids of the role the Dark Masters had in trapping them, and of the vitality the Destiny Stones play in the whole fabric of dimensions staying woven.??His many Digi-Cores are used to give the partners of DigiDestined kids the world over the power to Digivolve, even allowing Agumon to Warp Digivolve so he can head off BlackWarGreymon.??Not to mention he gave Gennai his youth back (a question best saved for another thread).

To me, Azulongmon in Season 2 was more important than all four Sovereign in Season 3.??Is it possible they could have been used as more than just a plot device, or am I nitpicking because their role wasn't meant to be very large?

MattEmily 05/20/14 08:42 AM

Re: Did Season 3 sell the Digimon Sovereign short?
I do believe they sold the Digimon Sovereign short but one thing that I do want to point out is they didn't create Calumon. Azulongmon obviously wanted it I'm sure but it was actually the Digi-Gnomes that made it happen. It was made known in the episode that Azulongmon didn't have such power to create Calumon.

Season 2's Azulongmon only gave 1 of his Digi-Cores to Gennai and he only gave that Digi-Core power to the main characters. We can't say if the power was given to the rest of the Digidestined that wasn't in the current area since that was just one Digi-Core and it only went through a certain area.
We also don't know how Gennai got back to his younger self.

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