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-   -   How would MMPR have continued without the cast change? (powerrangersonline.com/showthread.php?t=8464)

Super Cena 01/04/18 08:13 AM

How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
The big cast change in mid season 2 changed a lot. How would things have been different if the original cast didn't break up?

MattEmily 01/04/18 10:55 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
probably not much.

Scorpina probably wouldn't be able to fool Zack in her Human Form though. There'd be no Power Transfer until Season 3 since Amy Jo would still be wanting to leave so Catherine would still take her place.

The big changes would be when the Zeo powers came around since I don't know how you would handle that other than Kat being the Pink Zeo Ranger and Trini being Yellow. I would assume that Jason would remain as Red since he would still be the leader so my guess is that Billy would still be stepping down to leave a spot open for 1 of the other guys.

Tommy Fan 01/04/18 11:13 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
I don't see them getting rid of Tommy though. Jason replaces would have become Zeo Blue.

KimandTommy 01/04/18 11:15 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
I think season 5 would have ended with the marriage of Kim and Tommy. I don't think she would have left if the others stayed. Kat could have been used as a major villain like she should have been.

MattEmily 01/04/18 11:18 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?

Originally Posted by Tommy Fan (Post 71880)
I don't see them getting rid of Tommy though. Jason replaces would have become Zeo Blue.

it wasn't their decision he was wanting to leave.


Originally Posted by KimandTommy (Post 71882)
I don't think she would have left if the others stayed. Kat could have been used as a major villain like she should have been.

I do think she would've left regardless of what happened with Walter, Thuy and Austin.

Kat wouldn't even be a character if Amy Jo didn't want to leave.

Tommy Fan 01/04/18 01:03 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
But JDF didn't leave until Turbo. Why wouldn't he still be around for Zeo?

Usagi Reborn 01/04/18 01:04 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?

Originally Posted by MattEmily (Post 71884)
it wasn't their decision he was wanting to leave.

I do think she would've left regardless of what happened with Walter, Thuy and Austin.

Kat wouldn't even be a character if Amy Jo didn't want to leave.

Which would have been a shame since Kat ended up being such a great character.

DinoThunderKira 01/04/18 04:55 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
I think it would have gone more a long the lines of the first half. Its hard to know what would have happened with the three parters. Since so mucn was done on the fly after three of the originals left.

Overdrive Omega 01/04/18 09:50 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
I think the cast would have started to break up in season 3. Things wouldn't just keep going.

Miki1988 01/05/18 12:51 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
Here's how imagined how things would work.

- The "Ninja Encounter" episodes play out differently and focus more on Rocky, Adam and Aisha and their ninja training who become recurring characters on the series (but they don't get kidnapped or find out who the Rangers are).
- Any episodes focusing on the three newcomers focus on their ninja training.
- Tommy is not promoted to the team leader position, he stays in the 6th Ranger position for the time being.
- The Piece Conference plot starts in the second half of the season, anytime after episode 30 and is better developed.
- The season also focuses more on Jason, Trini and Zack, with Billy getting a science competition plot which would set up him starting a science facility by the time Zeo starts and Tommy/Kim becoming a more serious couple.
- Towards the end of the season, Rocky, Adam and Aisha are kidnapped after Zedd becomes interested in the trio becoming his new evil Rangers. This leads to the three finding out the true identities of their friends and them becoming their allies.
- S2 ends with the Piece Conference plot semi-completed and the revelation of Jason, Trini and Zack being chosen to go to the Piece Conference.
- S3 starts with the "A Friend In Need" episodes and has the trio still in it, with Jason still being in charge of the team.
- No Rita/Zedd marriage in S2.

- "Ninja Quest" starts off with the trio being divided between going to Switzerland and staying in Angel Grove with the team. The Rito vs. Thunderzrods battle still occurs, however, upon arriving at the Command Center, the team is surprised to find Rocky, Adam and Aisha there. After a discussion with Zordon, it is decided that the new trio would go with Kim, Billy and Tommy to seek the Ninja Temple and Ninjor.
- Later in S3, the plot of Aisha trying to find her parents is properly introduced. Jason, Trini and Zack are demoted to recurring character status and are slowly written out with the three leaving for the Piece Conference with a better write-off. Tommy becomes the team leader.
- Second half of the third season, enter the Pen Global Games plot and Tommy/Kim facing the possibility of separation. Kat still has her storyline as it is on the show.
- The Zeo Crystal arc still happens (The metallic armor thee-parter) and ends the same way, but doesn't end up with the idea of Zordon sending the sub-crystals to different time periods, but rather to different parts of the World.
- No Alien Ranger arc. Kimberly leaves to Florida to compete on the Pen Globals and Tommy leaves with her. Kat replaces Kim, with Ninjor and Alpha upgrading the Ranger's powers which ends in the team gaining the Kakuranger suits at the same time. Rocky becomes the leader of the team and the show switches to Kakuranger footage for any morphed or Zord scenes (with partially filmed US footage if necessary). Kat becomes the White Ranger and others keep their Ranger colors.
- The season ends with Zedd and Master Vile trying to use the last of their powers to defeat the Rangers and it works, thus rendering the Rangers' powers and Zords useless. Due to lack of power, both Zedd and Vile retreat for a while, allowing the Rangers to search for their Zeo sub-crystals. At least that's what looks like at first.
- Hogday Afternoon has no Alien Rangers in it, but involves the Rangers recharging their powers for one last fight to defeat the Hydro Hog. During the fight, Rito and Goldar break into the Command Center and take advantage of helpless and defenseless Alpha 5 and take the Zeo Crystal. The final scene is the same as it is in the actual show, with Aisha being present instead of Tanya, ending the series in the cliffhanger ending we all know & love.

- It starts off with Master Vile and Zedd being completely defeated by the Machine Empire. Fast forward to 5 years later where we find out that things have changed in Angel Grove since the MMPR's final battle.
- Jason, Trini and Zack make a cameo appearance by visiting Billy's new hi-tech & science facility, with the four going to pay a visit to Rocky, Adam and Aisha at an Angel Grove College.
- The Machine Empire invasion starts. The seven of them are teleported to the new Power Chamber, where they meet Kat, Alpha 5 and Zordon. Billy decides not to become a Ranger again and focus to his science & hi-tech projects and personal life and gives his Zeo sub-crystal to Rocky.
- Aisha becomes Zeo Ranger II, Rocky Zeo Ranger III, Adam Zeo Ranger IV, Jason Zeo Ranger V and Kat Zeo Ranger I.
- No arrowhead plot, no Tommy brainwashed storyline and no "Billy has a secret" plot. Kat becomes the team scientist.
- Mondo is destroyed by the Super Zeo Megazord and Gasket and Archerina take over the leadership of the Machine Empire. No Louie Kaboom either.
- No Rita/Zedd in Zeo, but Zedd comes back for a revenge on Kat for betraying him, resulting in a MMPR/Zeo team-up episode where he uses a brainwashed Rita and a re-vived Goldar and Rito to do what he wants. Tommy and Kimberly are revealed to be married.
- Aisha succeeds in finding her parents in a multiple-episode arc.
- Trey remains the Gold Ranger for the entirety of the season.
- Zeo ends with the Rangers destroying the leadership of the Machine Empire.

I could go on, but I don't want to since it's pretty clear that the same cast wouldn't stay for a long time anyway even if Saban agreed to make the show union or to grant higher paychecks to the cast members that left. I can see Jason, Trini and Zack making it somehow to beginning of S3 (at least the first 4-6 episodes) with Amy Jo still leaving the show after the third season. I can see Aisha making it to Zeo Ranger status, but not beyond.

Then again, there's so many possibilities of what would the show be like had the originals stayed during the entirety of MMPR. But I wouldn't count on them making anything beyond cameo appearances past their own series/seasons.

MattEmily 01/05/18 02:27 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?

Originally Posted by Tommy Fan (Post 71902)
But JDF didn't leave until Turbo. Why wouldn't he still be around for Zeo?

I was more referring to the fact of you saying

I don't see them getting rid of Tommy though.
since he (JDF) wanted to leave in Zeo but they had to compromise since the bosses told him basically in a threatening way "if you leave then we're replacing the others as well."


Originally Posted by Usagi Reborn (Post 71903)
Which would have been a shame since Kat ended up being such a great character.

no doubt about that.

Inner Senshi 01/06/18 10:02 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
I wish the original team stayed together for at least all of season 2.

MMPR Mania 01/06/18 10:04 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?

Originally Posted by Miki1988 (Post 72110)
Here's how imagined how things would work.

- The "Ninja Encounter" episodes play out differently and focus more on Rocky, Adam and Aisha and their ninja training who become recurring characters on the series (but they don't get kidnapped or find out who the Rangers are).
- Any episodes focusing on the three newcomers focus on their ninja training.
- Tommy is not promoted to the team leader position, he stays in the 6th Ranger position for the time being.
- The Piece Conference plot starts in the second half of the season, anytime after episode 30 and is better developed.
- The season also focuses more on Jason, Trini and Zack, with Billy getting a science competition plot which would set up him starting a science facility by the time Zeo starts and Tommy/Kim becoming a more serious couple.
- Towards the end of the season, Rocky, Adam and Aisha are kidnapped after Zedd becomes interested in the trio becoming his new evil Rangers. This leads to the three finding out the true identities of their friends and them becoming their allies.
- S2 ends with the Piece Conference plot semi-completed and the revelation of Jason, Trini and Zack being chosen to go to the Piece Conference.
- S3 starts with the "A Friend In Need" episodes and has the trio still in it, with Jason still being in charge of the team.
- No Rita/Zedd marriage in S2.

- "Ninja Quest" starts off with the trio being divided between going to Switzerland and staying in Angel Grove with the team. The Rito vs. Thunderzrods battle still occurs, however, upon arriving at the Command Center, the team is surprised to find Rocky, Adam and Aisha there. After a discussion with Zordon, it is decided that the new trio would go with Kim, Billy and Tommy to seek the Ninja Temple and Ninjor.
- Later in S3, the plot of Aisha trying to find her parents is properly introduced. Jason, Trini and Zack are demoted to recurring character status and are slowly written out with the three leaving for the Piece Conference with a better write-off. Tommy becomes the team leader.
- Second half of the third season, enter the Pen Global Games plot and Tommy/Kim facing the possibility of separation. Kat still has her storyline as it is on the show.
- The Zeo Crystal arc still happens (The metallic armor thee-parter) and ends the same way, but doesn't end up with the idea of Zordon sending the sub-crystals to different time periods, but rather to different parts of the World.
- No Alien Ranger arc. Kimberly leaves to Florida to compete on the Pen Globals and Tommy leaves with her. Kat replaces Kim, with Ninjor and Alpha upgrading the Ranger's powers which ends in the team gaining the Kakuranger suits at the same time. Rocky becomes the leader of the team and the show switches to Kakuranger footage for any morphed or Zord scenes (with partially filmed US footage if necessary). Kat becomes the White Ranger and others keep their Ranger colors.
- The season ends with Zedd and Master Vile trying to use the last of their powers to defeat the Rangers and it works, thus rendering the Rangers' powers and Zords useless. Due to lack of power, both Zedd and Vile retreat for a while, allowing the Rangers to search for their Zeo sub-crystals. At least that's what looks like at first.
- Hogday Afternoon has no Alien Rangers in it, but involves the Rangers recharging their powers for one last fight to defeat the Hydro Hog. During the fight, Rito and Goldar break into the Command Center and take advantage of helpless and defenseless Alpha 5 and take the Zeo Crystal. The final scene is the same as it is in the actual show, with Aisha being present instead of Tanya, ending the series in the cliffhanger ending we all know & love.

- It starts off with Master Vile and Zedd being completely defeated by the Machine Empire. Fast forward to 5 years later where we find out that things have changed in Angel Grove since the MMPR's final battle.
- Jason, Trini and Zack make a cameo appearance by visiting Billy's new hi-tech & science facility, with the four going to pay a visit to Rocky, Adam and Aisha at an Angel Grove College.
- The Machine Empire invasion starts. The seven of them are teleported to the new Power Chamber, where they meet Kat, Alpha 5 and Zordon. Billy decides not to become a Ranger again and focus to his science & hi-tech projects and personal life and gives his Zeo sub-crystal to Rocky.
- Aisha becomes Zeo Ranger II, Rocky Zeo Ranger III, Adam Zeo Ranger IV, Jason Zeo Ranger V and Kat Zeo Ranger I.
- No arrowhead plot, no Tommy brainwashed storyline and no "Billy has a secret" plot. Kat becomes the team scientist.
- Mondo is destroyed by the Super Zeo Megazord and Gasket and Archerina take over the leadership of the Machine Empire. No Louie Kaboom either.
- No Rita/Zedd in Zeo, but Zedd comes back for a revenge on Kat for betraying him, resulting in a MMPR/Zeo team-up episode where he uses a brainwashed Rita and a re-vived Goldar and Rito to do what he wants. Tommy and Kimberly are revealed to be married.
- Aisha succeeds in finding her parents in a multiple-episode arc.
- Trey remains the Gold Ranger for the entirety of the season.
- Zeo ends with the Rangers destroying the leadership of the Machine Empire.

I could go on, but I don't want to since it's pretty clear that the same cast wouldn't stay for a long time anyway even if Saban agreed to make the show union or to grant higher paychecks to the cast members that left. I can see Jason, Trini and Zack making it somehow to beginning of S3 (at least the first 4-6 episodes) with Amy Jo still leaving the show after the third season. I can see Aisha making it to Zeo Ranger status, but not beyond.

Then again, there's so many possibilities of what would the show be like had the originals stayed during the entirety of MMPR. But I wouldn't count on them making anything beyond cameo appearances past their own series/seasons.

I don't think the Ninja Trio would have been created if the original cast stayed together. But I agree that the cast still would have started to break up after season 2.

PRangerX 01/06/18 11:25 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
Jason would have remained the leader with Tommy getting a lot of focus.

Perhaps Richie and Curtis would have remained re-occuring characters longer.

We would have had an episode with Jason just wanting to have fun. And one with Zack almost having his confidence crushed by the mirror of regret. I

Rita and Zedd would still get married. And a lot of the three parters would be similar. I don't think everything that happened to the newbies would happen to the originals. I can't see Trini becoming obssessed with a fire safety chief job.

The movie would have featured the original cast. Season 3 would probably be mostly the same. Save for different character episodes for Jason, Trini, and Zack. I don't see Amy Jo staying and Kat would still be around. I think they would have had Tommy remain White Ranger and later become Gold. The original cast probably would have been written out by the end of Turbo.

Miki1988 01/07/18 10:11 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?

Originally Posted by MMPR Mania (Post 72169)
I don't think the Ninja Trio would have been created if the original cast stayed together. But I agree that the cast still would have started to break up after season 2.

The Ninja Trio WAS basically a re-hashed version of the original trio, since a lot of episodes since the departure of the original three and the introduction of the Ninja Trio as Rangers were written with the complete original cast & characters in mind. They just basically switched the character names in the scripts and gave them to Steve, Karan and Johnny (with the exception of their pre-Ranger episodes).

However, it wouldn't be bad if the Ninja Trio was still created had the original trio decided to stay and go on. It would work nicely for MMPR S3, where Rocky, Adam and Aisha would be able to go trough a nice character development, allowing their ninja backgrounds to be explored more, since those disappear the second they replace the conference Rangers and remove their Ranger helmets after that whole "Jason, Zack, Trini, Power Up!" nonsense line.

Captain Codfish 01/07/18 10:26 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?

Originally Posted by Miki1988 (Post 72177)
The Ninja Trio WAS basically a re-hashed version of the original trio, since a lot of episodes since the departure of the original three and the introduction of the Ninja Trio as Rangers were written with the complete original cast & characters in mind. They just basically switched the character names in the scripts and gave them to Steve, Karan and Johnny (with the exception of their pre-Ranger episodes).

However, it wouldn't be bad if the Ninja Trio was still created had the original trio decided to stay and go on. It would work nicely for MMPR S3, where Rocky, Adam and Aisha would be able to go trough a nice character development, allowing their ninja backgrounds to be explored more, since those disappear the second they replace the conference Rangers and remove their Ranger helmets after that whole "Jason, Zack, Trini, Power Up!" nonsense line.

But why would they have created the new characters if the originals didn't leave suddenly? Your ideas are good in hindsight. But the crew didn't have that benefit. Since they had to cover for the walk pit and dismissals.

MMPR Mania 01/07/18 10:27 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
Yeah thats what I meant. Its not that I would have minded the Ninja Trio being around as allies.

A Gia To Remember 01/07/18 10:29 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
Maybe the Ninja Trio could have got their own spinoff with the Diaranger suits? They would have no zords though.

Astro Omega 01/07/18 11:08 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
Season 2 would have finished off much the same way. Since scripts were already written and just used for the new characters.

Zeo Power 01/07/18 06:02 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
I would have been disappointed not to have Rocky and Adam. Also this would be a negative if there was no Tanya in Zeo.

Voltron Force 01/07/18 09:03 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
I think one of the departing Rangers would have still left after season 2.

RailRescue25 01/08/18 10:28 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
I think they would have bumped Jason for Tommy in Zeo. Billy would have been blue. But thats all just a hunch. Maybe Jason is kept as re-occurring so he can become Gold?

Gold Ranger In Danger 01/08/18 10:30 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?

Originally Posted by RailRescue25 (Post 72265)
I think they would have bumped Jason for Tommy in Zeo. Billy would have been blue. But thats all just a hunch. Maybe Jason is kept as re-occurring so he can become Gold?

You could have wrote him off by having him go to help the Aquatians instead of Billy. Which would lead to him returning as Gold later on.

Quantum Hunter 01/08/18 01:27 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
The basic storylines would be the same. Some of the character moments would have come off differently. Even in episodes written for the old Rangers. Since those acotrs would have delivered their lines differently.

Changeman Returns 01/08/18 08:30 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
The cast would have changed sooner rather than later. It was only a matter lf time before they went the Sentai Approach.

No Green Spandex 01/09/18 12:12 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
Maybe the Tommy focus wouldn't have been as bad if Jason was still around to carry some of the glory.

MattEmily 01/09/18 01:09 AM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?

Originally Posted by No Green Spandex (Post 72361)
Maybe the Tommy focus wouldn't have been as bad if Jason was still around to carry some of the glory.

I think it would've still been bad since keep in mind that kids were complaining to their Parents that Tommy left and they wanted him back on otherwise they were refusing to eat.

Power Rangers Forever 01/09/18 12:12 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
Jason probably would have still been heavily focused on if he stayed. But Tommy would have been the clear star like he was.

Gia the Fiend 01/09/18 07:34 PM

Re: How would MMPR have continued without the cast change?
Jason would have sacrificed his powers in season 3 to ssve Tommy. Just a hunch.

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