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MingyMingyJongo 06/26/01 02:50 PM

Most Memorable PR Moment
through the course of Power Rangers there have been many moments that we will always remeber. Which one will YOU always remember? Which one touched your heart forever? If you say other please indicate the moment.

jenlovesalex 06/28/01 03:36 PM

I think mine must be when Andros appeared on the bridge of the megaship at the end of Countdown to Destruction Part 2 and was reunited with the others I loved that.

MorphinTime 06/28/01 07:49 PM

You know, i have been thinking about this, and those are all real good moments, but the most memorable moment was back in 93 when the show started.

MiChaos 06/30/01 04:11 PM

There are a lot of memorial moments, like the moment in the Power Chamber just after Zordon and Alpha 5 left in Shift into Turbo or the time when Andros morphed into his battlized armour and left Ashley to go to the Dark Fortress in Countdown to Destruction. I could name some others but they were the best IMO.

Sudowoodo13 07/05/01 01:40 PM

The Thunderzords being destroyed and the whole Ninja Quest thing.

Goldspaceranger 07/06/01 03:07 PM

When Andros slashed Zordons tube and when the command center blew up the first time and even the second time I must say those impacted me more than anything else.

BT20 07/07/01 05:13 AM

most memorable moment
the only one i can really think of right now is when kim & Billy left & they showed all of those clips during the ending credits. also the master vile 3 parter.

JustAnotherBlueRanger 07/07/01 08:50 AM

Re: most memorable moment
never mention the words 'insert' 'Zedd' and 'Rita' again, please.

let's see memorable momments...

There's Kim's fall...

Passing of the torch was pretty memorable at the time but not now.

My top three:
3. the whole Negative protons segement. this just annoyed me and put a whole wash to a mini mystery.
2. The end of Chase into space, Justin watching as his friends leaving him behind.
1. The 'final' destruction of the green Ranger powers vs. Turban Shell.

jenlovesalex 07/07/01 12:15 PM

Re: most memorable moment
I think there are alot of memorable moments in the power rangers.And there are to many to say.

GoGalacticRed 07/08/01 02:30 AM

In MMPR when the White Ranger removed his helmet to reveal his identity and Kim fainted when she saw it was Tommy.

That's just one of my favs. There are just too many to list.

BT20 07/16/01 03:06 AM

fav moment
My all time fav more so than the ones i listed above was when MMPR ended & before zeo started & they would do the short scenes mentioning the machine empire approching & that the rangers were no where to be found & they had the lazer cut out each symbol. it was just cool cause it was thet first time they made a new show with new costumes & was really special

Dustan03 08/06/01 07:58 PM

Re: fav moment
i voted other because my most memorible moment was when the command center was destroyed or the first time the mmpr morphed.

Also when did this andros tube breaking thing happen i don't remember that.

Eclipticon 09/16/01 10:12 PM

Re: fav moment
It was in Countdown to Destruction pt.2. Andros had to destroy Zordon in order to save the universe. And when Zordon died, this huge energy wave went throughout the universe, turning Rita, Zedd, Divatox and Astronema to good ppl. And all the others, such as the Machine Empire, into mounds of sand. It was pretty cool. I'm thinking of ordering the video some day.

JZSpock 09/19/01 01:47 PM

Which one touched your heart forever? a more logical question is which one broke your heart forever. (sounds illogical I know)
When Andros had to break Zordons Energy Tube to kill all evil
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Saban should have cut the Power Rangers series right there >:

JZSpock 09/19/01 01:48 PM

Re: fav moment
November 21 1998
Countdown to destruction 2

LordZed 09/19/01 06:26 PM

Re: fav moment
When Jason came back to be the Gold Ranger

*sigh* I wish some of the original Power Rangers would return or at least make some type of cameo in Wild Force.

astromegazord 10/06/01 07:14 AM

Re: fav moment
Jason becoming the Gold RAnger, Rito destroying the Thunder Zords but most of all; Andros breakign Zordon's tube and everyone either turning into sand or becoming good.

MiChaos 10/07/01 12:13 PM

Re: fav moment
Killing Zordon will always be number one, others I can think of:
5. How empty the Power Chamber was in Shift into Turbo part 3 after Zordon returned to Eltare.
4. The loss of the Command Center & Power Chamber
3. The Zeo Rangers growing in Good as Gold
2. Clash of the Megazords
1. Death of Zordon

I'll post others as i think of them, like King for a day, Mondo growing, Alex dying, but the top ones have to be the best.

JZSpock 10/09/01 07:50 PM

The needs of the Many
At the time Zordon's death was logical, however disturbing. I feel that what Spock said at the end of Star Trek 2 fits this case. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one"

I will miss him.
Jessica Zordon Spock
Original Hot Pink Ranger

MiChaos 10/11/01 07:56 PM

Re: fav moment
I forgot the best moment....in Rangers in Reverse (MMPR3) when Goldar, Rito, Zedd & Rita all grew and attacked Angel Grove in Alien Rangers of Aquitar Part I.
(Was it just me or did the American Rita/Zedd attack footage look so much better and realistic outside than any of the Sentai footage?)

Cross My Line 03/17/02 09:44 AM

Re: fav moment
All american footage looks better than sentai footage. And I'm not just talking about visual quality. The fights and everything else are far better.

Windgrail2 03/19/02 03:55 AM

Those moments in time...
The first that comes to mind besides the obvious choice of Zordon's death is when Kendrix "died" in the Power Of Pink. That episode had real emotion and showed true and honorable self-sacrifice. What an outstanding cliffhanger! Then Karone's return sweetly topped it all off.
Journey's End part 3- the battle between Leo and Trakeena. It displayed real relentlessness on both sides. When leo's helmet was shown cracked open, THAT was an amazing moment. Then when Trakeena's face vanished in the flames...sa-weeet!
When a lifeless Astronema is carried down by Andros down the walkway of the Dark Fortress. The way his tears symolized a true bonding love between a brother and sister. Before that, the momet when Astronema's deathblow to Andros was deflected bak at her.
When Villamax refused to fight Trakeena. When the flower he held from the little girl was crushed.
When Mike returned from being imprisoned from inside the Magna Defender
When Diabolico grows and blows a hole straight through the Supertrain Megazord. When Diabolico's own energy is absorbed by the Lightspeed Solarzord and darted back at him. Plus the cliffhanging birth of Olympius.
When Ryan Mitchel discovers that good is still in his heart and comes back to kick the crap out of the demon trio.
Green Ranger- need I say more?

I'll list some more later. Now to deal with Cross My Line. Man, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with ya if you don;t like Sentai footage. American footage is supreme now compared to the old days. Back in MMPR, the most effort put in american ranger action was the Rangers freaking out when Bulk and Skull were held hostage by giant Goldar in the bus. Face it, Sentai footage is why PR survived it's 1st season. The incredible action sequences, storylines and zord footage. And aren't those Sentai Zord images in your banner? Tsk, tsk, tsk...

Cross My Line 03/19/02 04:22 PM

Re: Those moments in time...
the banners weren't done by me so hah! :b

True, MMPR season 1 wouldn't have gone on if it weren't for the sentai footage. But seasons 2 and 3, 3 especially was almost all American footage. (Aside from the zord battles), and that just showed me how lame sentai footage was. When they did their first american zord battle, having the Thunder Megazord square off against the Tiger Zord. That was phenomenal. It was the best zord battle I had ever seen, and the quailty was great. It was then topped by the Thunder Zords being destroyed. It was just amazing.

American footage always has more to do with whats happening in the episode, and is far better quailty. When zeo started and they reverted back to using a shed load of sentai, it almost made me completely hate the series. The footage just sucked so much.

Why do you think I'm such a big fan of T: APRM?

So whilst, your season 1 point is valid, I'm sure if they redid it now, using as much American footage as they did in season 3, it would kick the pants off what season 1 was.

And don't tell me that whenever in an episode during PRiS, they started to use sentai footage, that you weren't disappointed. Why? Because it had rarely anything to do with stroylines. If it didn't make everything look so disjointed, I may not have as big a problem with it.

But the fact is, in my opinion, sentai footage sucks. All there is to it.

Homer56712 03/20/02 08:44 PM

I'd have to say the most memorable Power Rangers moment was in "The End of Time Part 3" when the 4 Time Force Rangers had to go back to the year 3000


Jataaka 03/21/02 01:52 AM

In my opinion, I dont think we will evert get to feal the way we did when we say one of the original power rangers leave or when Zordon died.... do you know why! Because cheap ass Saban has to make a practicaly new series with a whole new cast, theme, zords, guide, and everything each year. Now Saban is relying on sentai footage WAY MORE than EVER! I wouldnt be surprised if he just didn't start dubing over the original japanese crap. (ok maby that will never happen) I just wish the time force cast could have lasted alot longer. We will not get to know a character like we did with Jason, Billy, Tommy, or kimberly and get used to them. To tell the truth I cant tell you anything that happend in LPR, IS, or LG cause theyre all a blur!

Homer56712 03/21/02 07:22 PM

The only series of Power Rangers that was a blur was Lightspeed Rescue!! It sucked big time!!


MiChaos 03/21/02 08:00 PM

The second US Zord battle was in Friend in Need against Repelator (a repainted version of Silverhorns). I remember that because the Zords finished up with the monster exploding behind them and the smoke almost obscuring the Zords. That with Rita and Zedd growing and attacking Angel Grove are examples why the US Zord footage way beats the Sentai.

Zedd teleporting into the Command Centre in Changing of the Zords is another memorial moment.

Cross My Line 03/21/02 11:33 PM

I still think Changing of the Zords is the bench mark for all PR episodes to beat. And not one has even to this day.

And when you think about how long ago it was when those eps originally aired, and that it hasn't been bettered, its kinda sad really.

Windgrail2 03/22/02 02:12 AM

Again with the Lightspeed bashing? Come on! The way I see Lightspeed is the same as Sentai footage: they're both prime examples of how Power Rangers can exceed its own boundaries by trying something different. Variety and diversity is a key component to the survival of Rangers. I'll be the first to admit that sentai footage can be corny, hokey, twangy, and too far out there and doesn't fit in with the American storyline at times. Don't get me started on examples. BUT it does provide PR with some of the most devastating battles and expert precision that I've ever seen in a kids show(and some adult ones at that). Special effects are another key. Sentai knows how to capture our eyes and imagination time and time again. Storylines- more than half of PR's stories come from Sentai including the Psycho Ranger era, Quasar Sabers, Time Officers and MANY more.
Ok, let's eliminate Sentai all together. American stories and action sequences have evolved far enough to survive on it's own. But Sentai gives a different feel to the PR flow. In plain english- it provides further diversity to this phenomenom called Power Rangers. Same goes for Lightspeed Rescue- it gave us a different camera angle of the PR universe.

Cross My Line 03/22/02 07:33 PM

Time Force officers? Quasar Sabres? Oh yeh, they come from the new @#%$ era of Power Rangers.

Windgrail2 03/23/02 02:11 AM

ok- let's pick out one tiny part of my post and ignore the actual message. That's becoming typical with you, CML.

Cross My Line 03/23/02 07:12 AM

I'm sorry. I didn't know I had to do a reply, and state answers or my own opinions to each and everyone of your points. :rolleyes

MiChaos 03/23/02 09:56 PM

Yeah, but Windgrail, lets look at some US episodes, like Changing of the Zords or maybe Chase into Space - US plotlines at their best. Did you remember the feeling you had inaide you when Lord Zedd said the immortal words "Teleport me to your Command Center and i will tell you in person" - with the good old musical cues in the background you were pleading Zordon not to teleport him in; or the feeling of seeing the ranger series linked together so superbly; or what about in Good as Gold when the Rangers grew and seeing them fight...anyway I digress. I believe, very strongly, that Power Rangers can succeed as well, if not better, without all but the basics of Sentai...not just the product quality is better, but so is the filming, musical and sound quality.

Needless to say, I do not like the new format of PR.

Cross My Line 03/24/02 08:44 AM

Preach on my brother. TESTIFY!!!

Windgrail2 03/24/02 10:02 PM

Oh no- you're forming a UNION!! But I agree with BOTH of ya about American footage providing fantastic memories. But what about the feeling when the evil Green Ranger grew along with Scorpina and Goldar to battle the Megazord at half-solar power, then the Megazord being "destroyed" and falling into the lava pit? The Rangers then looking down helplessly as each Zord sinks into oblivion. What about the Zords themselves? The transformation sequences of the original 3 Zords was superb. When America brought back Titanis for the Ninja and Shogun zords, the ultrazord sequences were craptacular. But hey, that was in the past right? In the beggining, PR needed Sentai. They have great chances of surviving without it today, but it's very risky.
Sentai gives PR a unique edge that no other tv show has, imo.

Cross My Line 03/24/02 10:14 PM

a Union? No. Two people sharing the same opinion? Yes. Stop being so silly:b

And yes, the zord battle you mentioned was indeed good and memorable, but I doubt it would have been, had it not been for the little skits between Tommy, Jason and Goldar in Rita's dark dimension. All of which was American footage.

go galactic 03/25/02 07:07 AM

my vote goes to the zipper obssesed villamax standing up to trakeena

Cross My Line 03/25/02 04:13 PM

Villamax could have been so much more........ it was a shame really how they wasted him. They were just trying to do another Ecliptor IMO.

go galactic 03/25/02 05:58 PM

an ecliptor made from zippers

MiChaos 03/25/02 08:16 PM

I will admit that Sentai gives PR a feel to it, and as I said earlier, I know PR needs Sentai...just not in the huge amounts of we are getting in PR at the moment. I think Power Rangers worked better in the "Zordon Era" of Power Rangers than the "Sentai Era". I loved the series crossovers, namely Hogday Afternoon ~ A Zeo Beginning and Chase into Space ~ From out of Nowhere - these crossovers gives Power Rangers a feeling that Sentai lacks...such as Elgar surviving into PRIS and Goldar being in Series 3 battles (namely the one against Ninjor in Changing of the Zords. This continuation is what defined PR...now its gone. That is the point I wanted to make to you, Windgrail.

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