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Kaoskid 10/19/17 07:56 PM

Power Rangers Legendary Knights
An RP/Round Robin type story.

A thousand years ago, Morgana Le Fay and her knightmares caused the fall of Camelot. But Merlin, last of the Old Wizards, sealed her away until he could find the Heroes destined to defeat her once and for all.

Now, The seven blades sing for the chosen ones to arrive, the last blood descendants of seven heroes. Can they summon the power of their ancestors and defeat Destiny? Can they Break The Fate?

Morphers: Manacles on each arm

Morph Call: Break The Fate

Morph Sequence: Ranger crosses their arms. A chain of energy in their color appears on the manacles. They yell the morph call and uncross their arms, breaking the chains. They create the Rangers uniform on the body, patterned after the chainmail of knights.

Standard weapons: Knight Blades, a sword/blaster combo weapon

Transport: Knight Steeds. A mechanical horse in the ranger's color that can transform into a motorcycle. They are completely sentient and rangers can name them

Red Ranger: Alec Pendragon, last blood descendant of King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. Alec is a kind, caring boy with a heart of gold but a temper of fire. His eyes turn from grey to golden Dragon eyes in a rage. He wields the sword Caliburn and commands the Red Drake Zord, a mighty dragon

Kaoskid 10/20/17 09:07 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
No one wants to sign up?

Quantum Hunter 10/20/17 09:36 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Morphers: Manacles on each arm

Morph Call: Break The Fate

Morph Sequence: Ranger crosses their arms. A chain of energy in their color appears on the manacles. They yell the morph call and uncross their arms, breaking the chains. They create the Rangers uniform on the body, patterned after the chainmail of knights.

Standard weapons: Knight Blades, a sword/blaster combo weapon

Transport: Knight Steeds. A mechanical horse in the ranger's color that can transform into a motorcycle. They are completely sentient and rangers can name them

Green Ranger: Benny Sanders. Sanders is not of Camelot descendent but is an expert in Camelot mythology. He has always dreamed of being a Knight. His courage has earned him the right to he one of the new knights. He can be overzealous at times. And pushes himself toohard. But his heart is always in the right place. He feels vulnerable since he is not a descendent of Camelot.

Kaoskid 11/06/17 03:58 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
The old man limped along. The blades of legend seemed to hum to him. Soon, the heroes he had waited for would arrive.

Meanwhile, Alec Pendragon was pulled off of the larger man, Sam Jones. Part of Sam's ear had been bitten off in the fight, and Alec spit it out. He turned to Benny and lifted the other teen to his feet. "You OK?"

Quantum Hunter 11/06/17 04:04 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"I think so, these strange soldiers just attacked me and took my Camelot Mythology book".

Kaoskid 11/06/17 05:09 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec looked out at the strange warriors. Black armored knights, moving with a stiffness that implies rigor mortis. They were attacking the city. Alec stood in front of Benny. "They're looking for something...and are willing to hurt people to get it." Alec's fist clenched and his eyes took on a golden sheen. "'I'm going to stop them. You want to help?"

Quantum Hunter 11/06/17 05:17 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny looked around. Not sure what he should do. But he somehow trusted Alex and wanted to do what was right. He stepped forward with a determined look on his fwce

"I'm in!"

Kaoskid 11/06/17 06:05 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Before the two teens could attack, a wall of white flames separated the monsters from the people. Alec and Benny looked around, and the old man from before walked toward them. With every step, he seemed to grow taller, his limp fading. His clothes morphed into a cloak of grey and blue. He looked at Alec and smiled. "At last, I found you. The last Pendragon......and you have made a friend."

Quantum Hunter 11/06/17 06:49 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Who are you" said Benny. Knowing that he couldn't possibly be who he thought he was.

Kaoskid 11/06/17 11:20 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
The old man smiled, almost bittersweetly. "I have had many names, but the one my mother gave me was Merlin. Seer and Advisor of King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. I have been searching a long time for you...Alec." From nowhere, he pulled out two swords. One glowed red, the other green. "These creatures are called Knightmares. Fallen Knights revived by Morgana Le Fay. Only these swords can defeat them."

The red blade flew to Alec's hand, and twin manacles locked onto his wrist.

"Alec, as the last of the descendants of Arthur, you need to lead the charge. Find the others your blades respond to." And then he turned to Benny. "I sense no blood of Camelot in you, young man.....but blood is not as important as courage. You have the soul of a knight. Will you take the blade?"

Quantum Hunter 11/07/17 11:08 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny didn't know what to say. Until recently he had just been a fan of Camelot Mythology. And now he found out that it was not only real, but he was talking to Merlin himself. But now was not the time to be a fanboy.

"I know I am not worthy sir, but I shall do my best"

Kaoskid 11/07/17 01:10 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Green manacles appeared on Benny's wrist. The two teens walked forward.

The words came to Alec's mind, ringing in his thoughts. He crossed his arms, creating a chain between the manacles, red in color and shining.

"Break the Fate!" Alec roared and uncrossed his arms. The chain shattered, and the links covered his body, creating a suit of spandex-like armor patterned after knight chainmail. A helmet appeared on his head. The Red Ranger was here.

"I pledge my Might for Right. Red Knight Ranger."

Quantum Hunter 11/10/17 12:13 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny yelled, " Break The Fate!"

Amazed by his new found power , he felt the very essence of Camelot.

"I pledge my might for Honor! Green Knight Ranger! "

Kaoskid 11/12/17 12:51 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec walked toward the knightmares, and pulled out his Knightblade. "Let's dance." He attacked, clashing swords with the first one that approached

Quantum Hunter 11/14/17 06:05 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny pulled out his blades but didn't know hownto use them and fell over.

Hexagon Ranger 11/15/17 11:59 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Morphers: Manacles on each arm

Morph Call: Break The Fate

Morph Sequence: Ranger crosses their arms. A chain of energy in their color appears on the manacles. They yell the morph call and uncross their arms, breaking the chains. They create the Rangers uniform on the body, patterned after the chainmail of knights.

Standard weapons: Knight Blades, a sword/blaster combo weapon

Transport: Knight Steeds. A mechanical horse in the ranger's color that can transform into a motorcycle. They are completely sentient and rangers can name them

Blue Ranger: Hunk Strawn. A former football player who is at first unknowingly a descendent of Sir Gwiane. Merlin tries to recruit him to be A Ranger only to be rebuffed at first. Since Hunk thinks he is crazy. Hunk is very strong but sometimes rushes into things without thinking. He is known to lack patience at crucial times. His real name is Brian but people call him Hunk do to his jock like nature.

Kaoskid 11/22/17 12:49 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin approached the next person. The blue blade called out to the chosen one. He saw him, a tall, strong young man.

"Are you Brian Strown? The world has need of you."

Hexagon Ranger 11/23/17 01:07 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strown couldn't believe what he was seeing. The crazy old man as right. But there was no time to take the could see one of the "fictious Rangers" was in trouble. He grabbed the morpher.

"Break The Fate"!

Strown couldn't believe that he was morning into a Power Ranger, powered by Camelot no less.

" i pledged my might for courage! Blue Ranger! "

Braun tackled the two monster's attack his Green new ally. He took out his blades and began to strike at the evil footmen.

Kaoskid 11/26/17 01:40 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec looked over at the new arrival, sword locked wit a knightmare.

"Welcome to the party. I'm Alec."

Quantum Hunter 11/26/17 10:51 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny go up mad at himself for failing to deal with the Knightmare but grateful for help from his new friend! As two more Knightmares surrounded him he felt a stramge power come over him as he slashed through this two new nemesis. He wonderee where that power came from. He turned to the new Ranger.

"Thanks man, I'm Benny"

Hexagon Ranger 12/04/17 09:05 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"No problem kid! Lets Finish these guy!"

Kaoskid 12/05/17 12:02 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec nodded. "I think these are just foot soldiers. We need to find the boss, their commander.

A tall, muscular, and ugly Ogre stood up. It carried a club and wore a ripped up chainmail armor. It roared.

"Knights. Have you forgotten the fear of Malus, Ogre of Mt. Saint Michael?"

There was a bit of silence. Alec broke it. "That....may be him."

Quantum Hunter 12/05/17 12:11 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"What we do now?".

Kaoskid 12/05/17 02:49 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"OK, on three, we rush him. I figure 3 against 1, we can take him

Hexagon Ranger 12/05/17 08:59 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Sounds like a good plan to me". Strawn raises his sword to prepare to help his new comrades.

Quantum Hunter 12/07/17 10:58 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Im with you guys!" Benny raised his sword.

Kaoskid 12/08/17 11:36 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"OK, THREE!" Alec charged with a roar, sending power into the sword, causing it to once again glow red.

Quantum Hunter 12/11/17 10:39 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny copies the Red Rangers movements.

Hexagon Ranger 12/17/17 05:00 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn does the same as his sword glows black.

Kaoskid 12/22/17 01:06 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec hits, the sword striking the ogre in the right shoulder

Hexagon Ranger 12/26/17 12:03 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn strikes two of the enemy foot soldiers in half . And looks to see how his comrades are doing.

Quantum Hunter 12/27/17 05:21 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny takes out one minion with his sword but gets overwhelmed by two others.

"A little help guys?"

Kaoskid 12/29/17 08:10 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec bumrushes the nearest monster attacking Benny, tackling it to the ground.

Hexagon Ranger 12/29/17 07:58 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn finishes off the last of the goons.

"So whats next?"

Kaoskid 01/01/18 01:15 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec smiled.....but his joy was cut off when the ogre smashed him away. He landed in a heap.

In the rangers heads, Merlin spoke up. "You may need stronger weapons than your base swords. Touch the emblem on your uniform to summon your Individual weapons."

Hexagon Ranger 01/04/18 12:52 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn did as he was instructed and was surprised by the lance that appeared. He started twirling it around as he began to battle the Ogre.

Quantum Hunter 01/04/18 06:58 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny does the same but can't seem to ger it to work.

"Why can't I do it?"

Kaoskid 01/12/18 04:50 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Benny, you can not summon an ancestral weapon because of your bloodline. You must create your own." Merlin rubbed his eyes. "Think of a weapon most suited to you, one you can wield that no one else can."

Alec struggled to his feet and tapped the emblem. A bigger sword appeared, a Broadsword.

He attacked the ogre, trying to coordinate his movements with Strawn

Hexagon Ranger 01/15/18 06:24 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn goes to the other side of the foul beast and begins to attack with his lance.

Quantum Hunter 01/17/18 06:54 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny gets frustrated. He just wants to help his new friends but can't seem to summon his weapon. The determination in his eyes causes his cheast to throw as his Axe finally a
pears. Benny takes postion to help his friends against the Ogre.

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