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LenZeo 06/28/15 12:06 PM

"The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
Now we both know this 2 parters get a bit of controversy for replacing cast members half way through the season. But I ask, which two parter did the cast switch up better? Which one did it worse? Which season improved after the cast change? Which didn't?

Personally, I actually enjoyed "Passing The Torch" A LOT more. Sure Rocky, Adam and Aisha were introduced a couple of episodes before "The Power Transfer", but the actual power transfer was terrible. The powers look like they were split instead of transferred with Jason, Zack and Trini still being in their suits afterwards. I know the 3 actors weren't there and the writers had to work around it, but the moment is rather stupid. Shouldn't that mean Jason, Zack and Trini still have their powers? Also, it doesn't help that once Aisha, Adam and Rocky appear, it's obvious Austin, Walter and Thuy aren't there with obviously bad stock footage of Jason, Zack and Trini. So Jason, Zack and Trini never really met Aisha, Adam and Rocky!!

But in "Passing the Torch", we get a good introduction of TJ and Cassie, actually see them being heroic and interacting with Power Rangers before being chosen to replace by Tommy and Kat. Sure, Carlos and Ashley don't do as much but AT LEAST they introduced a couple of episodes while the original cast was there. We saw Carlos and Ashley help Adam fight some Piranathrons in "A Drive to Win", showing they were also somewhat heroic and decent fighters. I guess it would have been better if Tanya actually met Ashley, showing why she chose her to replace her but its a small nit pick in an otherwise strong two parter. It also helps that this cast change over not only boosted the ratings but established a better cast for the season. Let's be serious, Tommy and the original cast were pretty boring during Turbo while the new team got good character development and had more to do. Heck, even Justin fit better with the new team. Unlike after "The Power Transfer", the season went downhill in my opinion. Except for maybe Aisha, Rocky and Adam were pretty weak replacements with little personality. Now their personalities improved a bit in Zeo but in MMPR, they just didn't live up to Jason and Zack who, while stereotyped, had defined personalities. The dynamic honestly wasn't the same and didn't really gel again til Season 3 in my opinion. But anyway, what do you guys think?

Rangermanuel 06/28/15 04:23 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
I prefer Passing the Torch too since it felt like a much better send off for the Zeo Rangers.

Power Sentai 07/09/15 11:24 AM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
"The Power Transfer" by far. At least the episode set up why each Ranger was leaving and wasn't last minute. "Passing The Torch" just came out of nowhere. And it wasn't even clear why the Rangers had to leave.

Rangermanuel 07/09/15 01:27 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?

Originally Posted by Power Sentai (Post 55794)
"The Power Transfer" by far. At least the episode set up why each Ranger was leaving and wasn't last minute. "Passing The Torch" just came out of nowhere. And it wasn't even clear why the Rangers had to leave.

Well duh the rangers graduated from college there was no point of keeping them on the show

Lightspeed Zeo 07/10/15 07:59 AM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
The Lightspeed Rangers were college or post college age. A lot of teams have been actually.

Turbo Guy 07/10/15 08:02 AM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
I would have liked to have seen the Turbo Rangers in college. I always thought it was wierd that they didn't go to college.

The Ghost Ranger 07/11/15 07:03 AM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
Both had their ups and downs.

TPT: We had good introductions to the new folks, and we get to see them using both brain and brawn when dealing with putties and monsters before becoming Rangers. However, due to the original three not being on set, we missed out on the two trios meeting and chilling out, forming bonds, and at the end, they could say something like
"Adam, I pass on the powers of the Black Ranger to you for your cunning, and respect." . Yes, the personalities were weak, but they grew, they learned, and they served with pride.

PTT: Good introduction to the characters; we saw first hand how brave and compassionate TJ can be, how tough Cassy can be, and how Ashley and Carlos could become protectors by helping people. The fact that they had to pass on the powers so fast and without reason brings the episode down. Tommy and Kat could have easily said "Dimitria, we've been Rangers since we were young teens. We want to move on and will always cherish our memories as protectors." If they would have kept Johnny and Nakia, they coould have become mentors to the new ones, or at least have Tanya meet Ashley to give a reason WHY she chose her as the replacement.

All in all, I like and dislike both equally. We get new faces to meet, new personalities. But at the same time we get no real "Pow" factor. By this I mean no real sense of...I don't know. Closure?

Rangermanuel 07/11/15 11:48 AM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
I respect your opinions but all was for the best in my opinion

PRangerX 07/11/15 12:21 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
It did seem like "Passing OF The Torch" forgot to tell us the powers were changing until the end. It was supposed to be a surprise I assume. It just would have made more sense if they started the episode with Dimitria telling the Rangers it was time for them to retire...Or even have it be something to do with the Mellenium Message. Ghost is right about the lack of closure. Its funny how they next episode they treated the newbies like they had been Rangers for awhile.

I did find the episode enjoyable though. The first part was pretty top notch and seemed to have better production. But that could be because they filmed more American Scenes. It almost felt like the Turbo Movie for me.

Gosei Gold 07/11/15 12:22 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?

Originally Posted by Rangermanuel (Post 55821)
I respect your opinions but all was for the best in my opinion

Yeah, I ended up liking the new Rangers in both cases. Even if I had to say goodbye to the old favorites. Of course we are used to it now.

Rangermanuel 07/11/15 02:02 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
Me too TJ Cassie Ashley & Carlos are four of my favorite rangers. However, I find TJ to be equally badass as the Red Turbo Ranger as he was as the Blue Space Ranger

JungleFury Cat 06/26/21 03:07 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
I prefer Passing the Torch.
"The Power Transfer" was an unexpected disappointment and what made things worse was the lack of seeing them a lot right before it was announced that they leave. I thought I had been watching some side story with temporary characters prior to that. Once they got the ninjetti costumes I think it was easier to accept the new characters, since they had something then that was their own. I'm glad I was able to see Aisha and that Adam replaced Zack.


Originally Posted by LenZeo (Post 55633)
Let's be serious, Tommy and the original cast were pretty boring during Turbo while the new team got good character development and had more to do. Heck, even Justin fit better with the new team.

Yeah, that's how it was following the Turbo movie, Zeo and before. The cast change in "Passing the Torch" made me more interested in watching. It's better jumping straight into Turbo without seeing Zeo and earlier for many years.

Zabitan 06/26/21 10:01 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
I would say "The Power Transfer" because they were a few episodes beforehand to introduce Rocky, Adam, and Aisha, and we got to see them be Rangers in a fight scene for the first time.

Whereas with "Passing the Torch" only Carlos, and Ashley had been introduced beforehand and we didn't see the replacements as Rangers until the very end, and it wasn't until the next episode that we saw them fight.

MattEmily 06/29/21 02:38 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?

Originally Posted by Zabitan (Post 80558)
I would say "The Power Transfer" because they were a few episodes beforehand to introduce Rocky, Adam, and Aisha, and we got to see them be Rangers in a fight scene for the first time.

Whereas with "Passing the Torch" only Carlos, and Ashley had been introduced beforehand and we didn't see the replacements as Rangers until the very end, and it wasn't until the next episode that we saw them fight.

I'll agree with this since Adam, Aisha and Rocky all got spotlight moments before becoming Rangers and they even morphed in the same ep that they took over as Rangers

Miki1988 06/30/21 12:25 AM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
I'd say "The Power Transfer" is better than "Passing the Torch". The only letdown of the episode is that ASJ, WEJ and TT weren't actually there during its filming. That was exactly what "Passing the Torch" did right - have the leaving Ranger properly exit the team.

Rocky, Adam and Aisha were introduced as characters before they became Rangers, which helped at least a little bit to the show itself. The whole baby chashing nonsense in the "The Ninja Encounter" three-parter was stupid and unnecessary, but I guess that's what you can do when you don't have half of the main cast available to do their parts. However, it did the trick of bringing the three newbies closer to the team which made a big difference in the "The Power Transfer" episodes later.

The Turbo episode didn't have any of that. The new Rangers didn't even get the chance to properly meet each other and become friends with the leaving members of the team.

PRangerX 07/03/21 11:53 AM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
Both episodes were dealing with changes on the fly. Torch has the advantage of having the actors playing thr departing Rangers to work with. Transfer didn't and really they were gone for several episodes prior.

Miki1988 07/04/21 04:44 AM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
I think "Opposites Attract" is when ASJ, WEJ and TT were on the set for the last time filming the scenes for that episode. Come Ninja Encounter I, the three are gone.

PRangerX 07/20/21 02:00 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
That sounds right.They were definitely gone by Ninja Encounter. I think White Light was the last time they used the originals for ADR..

Miki1988 07/20/21 03:51 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
And even then - if I remember correctly, the three leaving cast members started showing signs of their departure from the show.

Beast Ranger 07/25/21 04:46 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
Passing of.the Torch for me. Since it felt more dramatic with the whole team changing. It waa also one of the few good episodes of Turbo. Transfer suffered because of the clunky way they had to fit in the doubles of the originals. Plus the new VAs. They really should have paid the originals to come back so they could do a better send off. Torch doesn't have this problem.

Captain Codfish 07/25/21 04:50 PM

Re: "The Power Transfer" vs "Passing The Torch": Which Did You Prefer?
Austin, Thuy, and Walter walked out and were fired. No way they were gonna pay them extra to come back. Would you want to come back to the job that fired you?

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