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GoldRangerPower 07/07/01 10:18 AM

saban's WORST Series

Gabumon007 07/07/01 01:50 PM

To me, they all suck equally. Beetle Borgs was never good to begin with, it was terribly acted, dreadfully scripted, and had a lame plot. Ninja Turtles Mutation had potential, but flopped due to the nessecary "Saban" features-vehicles to make toys of, stupid dialouge, and very poorly done villains(a mobster ape? come on!). Mystoc Knights also had something, but again, Saban's needed features ruined it. Furthermore, I didn't like too many of the characters. Masked Rider was a pathetic Star Wars rip-off. There were some dreadful actors, costumes, villains, and again, made-for-toy vehicles. VR Troopers was just bad. There was a chance to use the whole VR concept, but in the end, it just became a big, confusing mess, and was WAY too similar to Power Rangers to be it's own show.

GoldRangerPower 07/07/01 02:28 PM

if i were to rate each series from best to worst, it would be...
1. Power Rangers
2. VR Troopers (though it was never on Fox Kids)
3. Ninja Turtles Mutation
4. Beetlle Borgs(Mettalix)
5. Masked Rider
6. tiranog

MiChaos 07/07/01 04:22 PM

The spelling you're looking for is Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog :) Power Rangers is in a league of its own IMO, so I won't put it in a list of series, but in a list of bad to worst...
1. VR Troopers
2. Masked Rider
3. Beetleborgs Metallix
4. TMNJ: The Next Mutation
5. Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog

GoldRangerPower 07/07/01 07:46 PM

thanx, ill correct it in the poll. :)

MiChaos 07/07/01 08:41 PM

No problem mate :)

JCA2001 07/10/01 08:28 AM

The borgs had terribly sfx. Like the childish 'bang!' and 'kaboom!!!' for example. Maybe I might have grown over those stupid HillHouse Monster jokes.
The Turtles were a cheap copy of the old dusty cartoon. I'd like the original concept (cartoon animated) better. The Turtle Next Mut. story is the worst thing that is wrong!
Masked Rider, original concept. But such a weak acting! And it's more unrealistic than saban's others.
Mystic Knights are something like the King Arthur stories, but if you look those sfx. Uuurrrggghhh...!!!
The Troopers are a real nice PR copy... With their 'command center' and upgrading things. The only thing they're missing are gigantic robots like Zords...

symbolic agony 07/17/01 04:02 PM

Tir Na Nog was a mockery of my culture. (I am 70% Irish) I was fuming when the writers seemed to have no clue of this folk tale that has been passed on for generations. Get an Irish writer and send him/her to their grandma's house to get the real scoop. :<

KuruBlack2090 08/06/01 04:09 PM

That has nothing to do with Saban. At least it's better than some of you all fan fictional series.

Jason38UK 08/07/01 02:38 AM

Oh I'll tell you the worst series made by Saban :
"Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue" Why ? Because that filthy trash totally cheapened the Power Rangers saga.
Okay really the Ninja Turtles : TNM was probably the worst although Lightspeed is a close second.
The others at least tried to be original ...

MiChaos 08/07/01 08:03 PM

:lol Lightspeed, how could I forget!

Don't mock fanfics, a lot of work, effort & dedication goes into them and most of them actually beat Lightspeed & some of the series named here!!

KuruBlack2090 08/12/01 12:14 AM

Not like mine do. I am very creative I even co-wrote Astrorangers and I have a soundtrack for each one of my series at the Toei Sentai Fan Mania Headquarters. Each of mine actually surive a year not come out in december one year and then stop at four or five episodes or 13. I use a complete season of at least 50 maximum 61.

astromegazord 08/12/01 12:34 PM

Re: reply
Kurublack: WOW! Big deal!! Fanfics are cool as long as you don't boast about how great yours is and give others credit! IMO the worst series ever has to be Masked Rider; bad actors who were also really annoying especially the main character himself which is not what the series needs!

Brunnen G Ranger 08/14/01 04:46 PM

They all truly sucked and were cool in their own way. But here's my list leading to the worst:
1. Power Rangers: You Know.

2. VR Troopers: Inconsistent Decent Crap. Along with what everybody else said.

3. TirNaNog: I actually liked it, it began decently and ended not totally somewhere in the middle. Along with what everybody else said. Etc.
{BTW the guy that played Ivar aka blue knight guy was last seen cursing extensively in one scene in a series called LEXX ep. 4.05 or 4.04 "Xevivor".
(I just thought I'd share that tid bit of information).}

4. Los Luchadores: It wouldn't be so bad if they went with some other concept than wrestling. Fishing maybe?

5. Masked Rider: Bring me KUUGA or AGITO uncut anyday! Ferbus was cute but I wouldn't mind if a megazord "accidentally" stepped on it and looked the other way.

6. TMNT: Everything that was cool in the cartoon was totally eradicated in the live-action. Really bad scripts and storylines!

7. Beetle Borgs: I can't say anything good about that show at all.

And last but not least

8. Teenage Beverley Hills Somthin(forgot name): It was really lame at the time when it was shown on the USA channel about four people who grow to Ultraman size people and combine into one big knight with a really pathetic finishing move. (It's not a saban series, but I had to get it off my chest).

Jason38UK 08/14/01 05:20 PM

I think the show you’re talking about was called "Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills". It was like was like a million Lightspeed Rescues and Ninja Turtles : TNM, thankfully as you've mentioned it wasn't made by Saban.

Brunnen G Ranger 08/14/01 05:26 PM

Thanks, I was wondering what the real title was.

Super Secret Mario 08/14/01 08:46 PM

Los Luchadores was made by Saban? I don't see why everyone doesn't like Lightspeed Rescue, I found it to be pretty good. I kinda liked Beatle Borgs, especially the Shadowborg mini-series, the season one finale, & the start of season two. (I never saw the season two finale so I can't comment on that).

Brunnen G Ranger 08/14/01 09:36 PM

Los Luchadores not made by Saban, well you're right, since you mention it, I think. I haven't really been trying to pay much attention to the series that anyway. Well at least I didn't put Samurai Superhuman Syber Squad (aka Gridman) as a Saban production. The fight scenes were overused.

Super Secret Mario 08/15/01 12:26 AM

Hey anyone know where I find info on this Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills?

Midnight Sayin Ranger 08/15/01 10:27 PM

saban's WORST series
Here's what I think:
Of all the live action, non Power Rangers shows mentioned (that I've actually heard of) here's what I liked and what I didn't like about each one (starting with the one I liked the best)

These first three, I like about the same
V.R Troopers: Way cool at first. The storyline and the characters were great. Plus, I liked the sub plot of Ryan trying to find his father. During the show's second season, things went downhill. The show became too much like Power Rangers. Ryan was in the spotlight all the time and Kaitlin and J.B. hardly ever were. (Dispite the fact that Ryan is my favorite V.R. character) And the episode plots began to get really stupid.

Masked Rider: For those who say T.J. Roberts was a bad actor, I will have to disagree. I thought he was good. Dex's character was what I liked best about the show (although, I think Saban could have not made him quote cermerchials all the time.) I also liked the family theme of the show. But, Magno and Chopper could have had more weapons on them (but I don't think that was Saban's fault.) A lot of the episodes were okay, some were awesome (Power Out and The Green Eyed Monster are my favorites) some were too cheesy for my taste, but if I were four or five, I would have found them enjoyable. Also, I didn't like the fact that Dex's Edenoite friends were hardly ever shown.

Mystic Knights: Awsome! Good plot! Great acting! Hardly anything to complain about except at the beginning all of the characters, except Angus and Garret, seemed flat. It did get better as the series went on, though. And why was there only one female knight? There should have been at least one more? Lennette would have made a good knight, so would Adeen, if she'd have stayed in human form.

Ninja Turtles: Okay. Great potential, but way too many stupid sound effects and the villians, give me a break! My kid brother could have taken these guys out. The good guys were great, though. I really liked the addition of Venus to the team.

BeetleBorgs: It had its moments. In season one, it was the Shadowborg sereis, in season two it was the Astro coins and Robo Borg sereis. Josh should not have disapeared after the Shadow Borg was gone and the Astro Borgs (all four not just Dragon Borg) should have been back to help more often.

The one thing I dislike about all these shows is they never really ended. There was no final episode where the hero(s) finished off the bad guys for good.

Oh! And there's one series that I think evreyone is forgeting. That's Digimon. Now that is a neat show, some of the dialouge is dumb, but overall, it's a neat series. Much better than all the other stupid cartoons Saban has flooded the airwaves with in the past (such as Spy Dogs and Mad Jack)

Brunnen G Ranger 08/15/01 11:18 PM

Re: saban's WORST series
What about Eagle Riders (G-Force) and Samurai Pizza Cats, Midnight?

Midnight Sayin Ranger 08/18/01 05:29 PM

Re: Saban's Worst Series
Never heard of those

Ninjareddo2001 08/19/01 07:41 PM


JZSpock 09/06/01 12:41 AM

Saban could have done without Big Bad Beetle Borgs Metallix,
nuff said

Digificwriter 09/07/01 03:27 AM

Re: saban's WORST series
Hey! Here's my list of the best and worst shows from the list of Saban's live-action shows (in descending order from best to worst)

Best: Power Rangers (especially PRTF and PRiS)
Second-Best: Tir Na Nog and Beetleborgs
Third-Best: V.R. Troopers
Fourth-Best: TMNT
Worst: Masked Rider

realbigjiggy 09/07/01 02:02 PM

Re: saban's WORST series
I HATED Big Bad Bettle Borgs. I completely hated the whole basis or that show. Sure the suits looked cool especially the Metallix but the storyline was CRAP! A magical ghost (who looks like a cross between Elvis and Jay Leno) who lives in a haunted house grants three kids their wish to become their favorite comic book heros. I HATE IT!!! Ghosts & Gowls and action heros just don't go together. Boo 4 BBBB!!!!!


Brunnen G Ranger 09/07/01 06:26 PM

Thank god that Beetle Borg Metallix is dead! It should have been dead on arrival! STILL I want my daily dose of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

Tuesday san 09/08/01 04:02 PM

Don't forget another Saban flop....

Super-Human Samuari Cyber Squad

Let's Samuarize Guyz!
Pump-up the power!
Let's kick some Gaygo butt!
Surf's up!

UGH... the fact that the show had Tim Curry as the villian & Joey Lawrance's brother as the hero didn't help matters, either.

Jason38UK 09/08/01 06:12 PM

SSCS wasn't made by Saban.

JZSpock 09/10/01 07:43 PM

Re: saban's WORST series
Has anyone forgotten Turbo!

Brunnen G Ranger 09/19/01 06:20 PM

What about the PR/TMNT Crossover?

astromegazord 10/06/01 12:39 PM

I remember the Samurai Pizza Cats.

pfresh85 10/06/01 05:29 PM

I think all the series had their good sides, well except for TMNT: TNM and Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog. Both of those I couldn't stand. Beetleborgs I liked because of the Shadowborg saga, which was pretty good IMO. VR Troopers I never watched but my mom bought me these books 5 years back or so (she thought they were PR related so she bought them) and I read those and they are fairly good. Masked Rider was ok, for the most part. My favorite of that series was just the crossover between MR and MMPR. It was pretty good. But I never really saw anything good about TMNT: TNM and Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog.

fireforce 01/21/02 07:15 AM

I liked Mystic Knights, the whole taking place in medieval times thing really seemed cool! I didn't think I would like it seeing the first promos, but it got pretty cool.

Never saw Masked Rider:(
Big bad beetle borgs sucked,
VR troopers was okay, not as good as PR but okay none the less.

XNyanko 01/22/02 02:00 AM

Let's see...

Masked Rider: Would have been okay, except for the fact that the family was WAAAAAY too sappy and cheerful, and the plots just got too cheesy!

Ninja Turtles: Saban managed to take something I loved as a kid and ruin it! The only good thing about this was Venus (I thought them saying the Turtles weren't really related just so the boys could flirt with Venus and it not be incestuous was a little odd). It was just too cartoony to be live-action, but the PR crossover was fun!

VR Troopers: Actually improved a bit the second season. In the end, it turned out to be another typical Saban series, as Ryan became the "Red Ranger", getting the lion's share of the focus and leaving the others in the lurch.

BeetleBorgs: OH MUH SWEET JEZUZ WEPT!!!! That was the stupidest show I've ever seen!! The plots seem to have been written by chimps, the house of monsters were downright annoying, those little "Barney and Friends" reject kids (As well as the adults that were on the series, including Grandma Mumu) couldn't act their way out of a paper bag, and the whole thing was corny beyond belief! I'm glad that one got cancelled!!

Never seen Tir Na Nog, but the toys have been piled high at the toy store by my house. Maybe they'd pay me to take them off their hands??

As for the other shows mentioned: Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills: A bunch of spoiled, dispicable, pissed-off rich kids who get these special powers by a talking brain and fight monsters on a set that makes Pokemon look photorealistic... I saw it on ET when they were about to start the show, and I saw half of one episode. This was clearly a Power Rangers rip-off, and a badly-done one at that! They should have at least made the kids likeable instead of a bunch of snotty rich b*tches!

Superhuman Samurai SyberSquad... Six Words: Three for a Buck at Kay-Bee!

Anyone seen Saban's version of Sailor Moon?? Go to blackmercury.tripod.com/lsmw/ for more info!!

CyberBlack 01/22/02 03:22 PM


would have been good if, they used adult characters and used the Japanese footage to their advantage and not using the kiddie actors. The Japanese version was great.

MAsked Rider- the show was okay.

VR Troopers-I've seen some of the episodes on video, But
I think Saban/FOX should have aired it on FOX kids.

I'm not to fond of the other Saban shows, but Power Rangers is the best of all.

psychic ranger 01/17/11 02:12 PM


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