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Drakeonis 05/31/10 12:16 AM

Drake tossed the heat memory up and down as he walked to his bike he noticed a bike speeding off torwards the detective agency though he ignored

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx
aurora sat in is throne a bored look on his face "we haven't made a move against the shrouds army in awhile and I'm bored" he turned and faced his assistant "hey,send out beast,bird and triceratops NOW !!!! "eep- yes sir" the attended ran going to get their Gaia memory soilders and figure appered from the shadows

"did you really have to yell aurora san" the man wore a black trench coat and had short spiked white hair a small rectangular sheath that held his Gaia memory

"Hmph whatever kakashi anyway I want you out their to,use that little toy you stole from the neo museum"

kakashi chuckled" whatever you say aurora san pulling out his Gaia memory and tossing it the air and catching it as he walked away


Kamen Rider Dragoon 05/31/10 12:39 AM

Philip frowned as Kio told his story. "This is indeed troubling. And it seems that someone has made use of drivers for their own evil purposes."

"Philip-sama...is there anyway you can figure out who is behind all this?"

"I am affraid i have a clue already. years ago, shotaro and i faught against a strange dopant with unbelievable powers. The clash of our striength and his caused our gaia memories to scatter and he fell silent for all these years. My only guess is that he needed to recover from that battle and raise an army."

"Damn it. We have to find him before more innocent people are hurt...or worse."

Philip placed a strong hand on Kio's shoulder. "Dont worry...i have faith in all of you riders. You are indeed worthy to carry the title Kamen Rider. I am also very proud that a person with such a kind heart like yourself has control of fang...use him well."

"I promise...i will make sure we all come out of this alive and hopefull put an end to the dopants once and for all." At that comment philip laughed. "Whats so funny?"

"you sound like shotaro...so half-boiled."


Drakeonis 05/31/10 11:59 PM

Drake pulled up into the detective agency and entered seeing Philip and kio talking

"I'm glad to see your okay Phillip,did you see where fang went?" Phillip didn't gave a glance at kio

"he left he said he'd be back when he was needed" drake didn't question Philip

"hmm that fang is a mysterious one"

kakashi walked into the agency and walked up to drake

"hello I have a request" drake was leaning back in his chair hat over his eyes "sorry no cases today"

kakashi chuckled a placed his memory on the desk "I wasn't talking about a case" he grabbed drake by the collor and threw him out the window where he was met by three more people each holding their memories kakashi jumped out the window landing next to drake. Before activating his memory as the others did


eaching taking on dopant form drake dodged,entered the memory and quickly slammed the terminal


"alright ante up" charging at the group

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/01/10 12:12 AM

Philip jumped up as Drake was tossed out the window. "Kio quick!"

"On it Philip-sama." Kio then ran out the door.

Meanwhile the beast and bird dopant were laughing evily. "Hehe...check this out beast...one on 4 with no other riders in sight."

"I know...this is going to be too easy."

"Hey! Why not even the odds a little bit." Kio shouted as he walked towards them.

"Eh? what can you possibly do you pitiful...gah!!" Beast was suddenly hit hard by the fang memory.

"This time...no more hiding. 4 on one is unfair and i wont stand for such cowardice. You dopants have caused far too much sadness in this city. To protect the smiles of its people I step forth and fight. Fang!" The living memory jumped into Kio's hand and he changed it and pressed the button.


The driver appeard and Kio transformed into Fang and charged at the dopants.

Drakeonis 06/02/10 10:08 PM

Drake dodged kakashis blade and grabbed triceratops club as she brought it down on him he slammed a fire charged punch into her stomach and did a capoeria spin with flaming feet hitting the two dopants

"kio...is fang!?" drake dodged another strike and pulled out his new toy "well let's try this out" as if on cue another terminal apperead on kio and drakes driver awesome he slotted the other memory


Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/02/10 11:11 PM

Kio grabed the triceritops dopant by the horns and pulled down right into his knee, causing the dopant to cry out in pain. He notice Heat use the luna memory and blinked. He pulled out the joker memory and placed it into a second slot that appeard on his driver.


"Whoa..this is...cool!" Kio's hits became more accurate and did much more damage thanks to the joker memory. The dopants were soon huffing and falling back trying to get some distance from the pair of riders.

Drakeonis 06/03/10 01:08 PM

Drake used the owers of the Luna memory punching a storm of flame covered flaking punches hitting all the dopants he ran over to kio and and combined the memories powers summoning a weapon he grabbed a hilt from his sideband flung it down causing a whip of fire to emit from it

"alright pets go all in"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/03/10 01:12 PM

Kio smiled and hit the horn three times.

Fang, maximum drive!

When the fang appeard kio winced a little in some discomfort. "Whoa...this is stronger than before...must be because of the Joker memory."

Kio then attacked the dopants Bird and triceritops but the attack was blocked by Bear. Kio hit the dopant and stood there after the explosion. To his horror the bear healed itself and stood straight.

"Hehe...tough break there Kamen rider. I can heal any injury so you can beat me."

"Damn..thats not good."

Drakeonis 06/05/10 04:26 AM

"no it's not" drake dodged another of beast strikes he began to start formulating a plan that in his mind would make Philip jealous.drake lashed multiple times at beast causing and has the injuries started to heal wrapped his whip around the deepest cut and put all his energy into the fire

"ha how that for ya" drake signaled for kio to take his best shot at beast but then golden lightning began to discharge from his body

"agh damn what's happening" drake tried to get up but the energy kept shooting from his body until he collapsed and his armor dissapated

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/05/10 01:20 PM

Kio was about to attack when he saw drake suddenly loose his henshin. "Drake!? are you alright?"

As he spoke purple lightning began to discharge from his body. He fell to one knee panting. The lightning came in waves but he somehow managed to stay up. "Wont..give...up...promised philip...grandfather...i..i..WONT LOSE!"

Kio rose to his feet, the lightning still hurting him but he attacked the dopants. He found the bear dopant's weakspot and hit it hard with a maximum drive, defeating him before Kio fell to his knees again.

Neru 06/05/10 01:48 PM

From a distance, Neru watched the two riders fight the dopants. They seemed somewhat amateur-like, but they fought well as a duo. Noticing that the more dopants left, Neru clenched his fist in rage. Reaching into his pocket, he reached for Satillite Vulture, a gadget that can detect dopants. Sure it wouldn't help Neru fight, but it can distract the Dopants long enough. "Go ahead Vulture, go ahead." Neru said as he let the Vulture flew from his palm, going above the dopants. He quickly then hid behind a building bringing out a Gaia Memory. "It's time for their Enlightenment." Neru said as he pressed the Skull Memory.


A lost driver attached itself to Neru's waist as he placed it into the slot. He then quickly pushed it, activating the transformation. Neru then placed himself into a standing stance. Armor began to form around his body as he closed his eyes, once it was all finished, Neru placed his hand into the air. A fedora appeared, and he placed it upon his head. Neru then walked from the building appearing before the riders and dopants. "It's time for me to erase you." Neru said as he started to walk towards the dopants.

Drakeonis 06/06/10 10:02 PM

Kakashi turned torwards the voice and saw neru
"another rider,tric go get him I'll finish him" triceratops nodded branished her club and ran at neru while kakashi raised his blade over drakes head drake gathered enrgy and shot a small fireball at kakashi that bounced off his skin

"die rider" and swiftly brought the blade down.

Neru 06/06/10 11:03 PM

"Foolish." Neru ran towards Triceratops, then jumped over the dopant. He quickly recovered from the jump, and ran towards Kakashi. His legs felt weak, Neru didn't fight dopants for a long period of time, he was not ready to fight with these dopants at this rate. "You should really let a Hitman do his job, Mr. Dopant." Neru said coldly as he made a punch at Kakashi. "You'll be exterminated one way or another." Neru feinted his punch, pulling out his weapon, the Bayonet. Neru quickly directed his weapon to Kakashi's neck, with the bladed side of his gun. "Any last words?" He said with confidence, looking at the other dopants.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/06/10 11:15 PM

The last of the dopants growled in frustration and the Nazka used its speed to get behind Neru and kick him in the back. Kio saw this and growled, thinking that was cowardly. "You jerks..fight fair!"

"You want to die rider? so be it." The bird dopant spoke and grabed Kio by the neck and started flying into the air. Her intent was to drop him from a very high altitude in his weakened state. If it succeeded Kio might die.

"Gah! let me go!" Kio tried hitting the dopant as best he could, hoping to stop the assent.

Neru 06/07/10 02:29 AM

"Gah!" Neru said as he fell down. Picking himself up, Neru grabbed his bayonet, and aimed it at Kakashi. This was going to be tiring, so this dopant has super speed, Neru realized as he saw Kio being attacked by the bird dopant. Neru swung himself towards the bird dopant, aiming his bayonet at her. "I always like aiming for moving targets." He muttered to himself as he fired one shot at the bird. Neru carefully stepped back, and fired another bullet. He cautioned himself because Kakashi was near him.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/07/10 11:08 AM

The bird dopant droped Kio as it was shot at. Kio fell to the ground and managed to get himself up. "Thanks...good shots. Damn it..i had just barely defeated that bear and now we have these dopants to deal with. Damn...gah!" The purple lightning once again shot out of Kio's body. "Damn..if these keep up...i will loose my henshin. Gotta stay strong."

Once more Kio whent on the attack, covering Neru's back from the other dopants. "I take it you are skull by the hat...just keep fireing..i will cover you."

Kio could only hope that shroud would pop up with his new powers soon...in the meantime he was determined to keep up the fighting until the end, even with all the extra power hurting him.

Neru 06/07/10 12:21 PM

"You shouldn't be so friendly..." Neru grunted as he fired a shot at the bird dopant again. he quickly looked around, and fired shots at Kakashi, as well as the Triceratops. As long as this keeps up, they will have no chance of winning. Neru stepped forward, looking around for Kakashi, or as Kio said, Nazca. "After all, I'm after your Gaia Memories as well Kamen Rider." He said as he took his gun and slanted it towards the bladed side. "Nazca is mine. But I guess I'll settle with these other dopants and you first."" Neru muttered as he started to fire at the bird dopant, hopefully weakening it. Neru's gadget, Satillite Vulture quickly flew towards him, and landed on Neru's rifle. A screen appeared on top of it, showing where the surrounding dopants were. "Now it's alot easier to take shots." Neru grinned as he took aim at the bird dopant.

Drakeonis 06/07/10 01:23 PM

Drake grunted as he tried to sit up he then leaned against the wall of the building for support he couldn't help but feel dis couraged that he couldn't control the Luna memory
"damn it,power,I need more power"

hmph and here I thought you a fire blazing inside you" shroud walked up to drake
"all you are is weak,if you don't have any fire inside then you should just be frozon" she pulled out a small faceless dummy" she pulled out to Gaia memories

the dummy sprung to life and inserted the ice age memory into it's neck and shot a powerful blast of ice freezing drake in place she procceded to pick up drakes discarded memories

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/07/10 02:43 PM

Kio gasped in horror as he saw drake being frozen sollid...by shroud. In a fit of rage he charged her, not hearing what Neru said. He quickly grabed nero's heat memory right out of shroud's hand. "You monster! how could you!? We have given everything to protect this city and you do this? That does it...no more...i will not fallow you...i will fight for my dream of keeping this city smiling!"

Kio let out a primal roar and the lightning that caused him soo much pain suddenly stoped. He was now stronger...in tuned to the joker memory. He taped the horn on fang once.

Arm Fang

With that he slashed open the ice, freeing Drake and then turned his sights to shroud. "I dont need your power shroud...i am not someone you can manipulate. I am a Kamen Rider!!"

Neru 06/07/10 05:09 PM

"So......that's Shroud." Neru said as he repelled the Triceratop's attack. He slanted his gun, and made a stab at Triceratops, only to be stopped by it's strong hands. "What a fool." Neru muttered as he pressed the trigger, his bayonet fired several bullets at the Triceratop's body. As Neru retracted, the bird dopant attacked him from the back, and was flung forward to be punched by the Triceratops dopant. Gasping for air, Neru got up, and picked up his gadget. Letting it fly away. Neru quickly turned to Shroud and placed his hand out to her. "Hey, give me something useful." Neru said coldly as he stared at Kio. This was a fine chance to retrieve his memory, but Neru was more worried about the other dopants behind him.

Drakeonis 06/07/10 07:37 PM

Drake feel onto his knees panting after being free from the ice block Shroud turned her attention from him to kio and Neru the ice age dummy dopant turned it's hand into a ice flail attempted to hit kio from behind with amazing agiltygrabbed the dopants arm he let a loud howl of laughter

"me no fire,haha that's rich" he then proceeded to set the dopant on fire the dummy gadget and it's memory into unrecognizable liquid he grabbed the heat memory from the air as kio tossed it to him"Henshin"


"but cause when comes to fire im the guy the flame-boiled detective,Drake Blaze and I'm not a puppet who the hell do you think I am"

a small portal opened up and a mechanical bird and red dragon flew into view

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/07/10 07:48 PM

Kio smiled as Drake got his act together. "Atta boy. And me shroud..i am not a puppet. I am...the gaurdian fang of everyone's smiles, Kio Masami. Dont you forget it!"

When Kio spotted the bird comeing out of the portal he regonized it as his new memory. Kio held out his hand and the metalic creature landed in his palm. It made a musical metalic bird call and flaped its wings gently. "Drake...i dont know about you but i want to end this. Lets take it up a notch."

Neru 06/07/10 08:48 PM

"Interesting." Neru said as he observed the dragon and bird appear from the portal. More memories, more trouble for him to collect them all. Staring at Shroud he quickly turned and faced Kakashi. Holding up his bayonet, Neru slanted his blade and pointed the muzzle at his enemy. "Give me your memory." He said coldly as he started to walk towards Nazka. Neru quickly broke into a run when he got near Kakashi, and then made a slash at him. Kakashi returned Neru's attack with his own, both fighting for survival. Neru jumped back, and then pointed the rifle at Kakashi. His opponent activated super speed, and slashed Neru's back. Neru's head started to fill up with pain, groaning, Neru turned around and fired at Kakashi.

Drakeonis 06/07/10 09:36 PM

Drake grabbed the hellfire memory out of the air and it let out a demonic roar
" well then let's end it" he constructed the hellfire memory into memory mode" let's...blaze out" the hellfire memory covered the heat memory. Cracks began to form on the ground beneath him and his body was covered in sea of flames the flames began to seperate and fly torwards the dopants covering them

kakashi used his super speed to outrun the flames but the flames lashed out and flung him downand attacked him the flames cleared and he was now in hellfire form he then stepped in front of neru "sorry it's to soon for you kid"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/07/10 09:47 PM

Kio removed the Joker memory from the driver and transformed the tengu bird into its memory form and pressed the button.


He then placed it into the driver and was surrounded by a golder wind wich hid his body. Then, Kio swung his left arm causing the wind to disperse, knocking the dopants back a little. Before them, Kio stood in his FangTengu form (see picture in ooc section for a close idea...will make a better picture later). Kio then walked slowly past Neru. Not looking to the Skull kamen rider he spoke. "He is right..you have alot to learn about why we don these devices."

The bird dopant immediently tried to attack Kio, but he simply jumped back, arms spread wide. This, along with the abilities he had gained, gave him the appearance of flight. "Hmmm...this feels interesting."

Neru 06/07/10 10:36 PM

Neru made a clicking sound as he saw Drake. His new form seemed strong, but Neru was annoyed by Drake's comment."Kid huh?" Neru placed his hand on his Skull Memory, and took it out of his driver, placing it on the waist of his belt. He walked towards the Triceratops dopant, obviously annoyed. The dopant tried to fight back, but Neru quickly kicked it towards the ground. Trying to get up, the dopant was greeted with two quick punches, collapsing to the ground once more. "Hey you, vanish." Neru muttered as black lightning emitted from his leg. Crouching down, Neru jumped, and lifted his leg. Back flipping, Neru grunted as more black lightning sprang from his leg down to his entire body. "Go to hell." Neru said outloud as he descented towards his opponent.


"SKULL KICK." Neru said as he made a drop kick at the dopant's head, sending the black lightning into it's body. The lightning formed a skull sign as the dopant fell, exploding.

Drakeonis 06/08/10 06:45 PM

Kakashi growled after being attacked by the wild onslaught of flames,he grabbed his blade from his side and used his super speed to attack drake

"and here I thought you wanted a real battle" drake spun the red halo in the hellfire memories mouth

Hell blade

fire shot from his arm to his hand and materialized into the blade "now let's do this"

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/08/10 07:04 PM

Kio taped tengu once and a katana formed in mid-air. He grabed it and started his assult upon the bird dopant. Bird kept trying to attack from the air but when she was close enough, Kio slashed causing her to fall to the ground. "Your wings have been cliped Bird...i give you this one chance...give up your gaiamemory and leave. Whatever you choose it will be destroyed."

"Go to hell...i will never give up this power..this freedom."

"Freedom? My dear that device is your cage." He taped tengu three times and the katana disappeared.

Tengu! Maximum Drive!

The blades on Kio's arms and legs began to glow, looking like golden feathers. He then jumped high into the air, and once he was at a proper hight he came down, both feet facing the target. The golden energy formed around his legs like an cone and the dopant only had a split second before she was hit. An expolsion sounded and kio knelt on the other side of it, one hand on the ground. When the smoke settled the bird gaia memory fell to the ground and shattered, and its owner fell unconcious. "Heaven...will forgive your sins."

Drakeonis 06/09/10 12:58 PM

Drake and kakashi clashed blades flames burst from the from the center pushingbthem both back. Drake slashed at kakshi who blocked with his blade his wings activated has right hand outstrectched.kakashi shot a volley energy arrows all of which drake blocked with a wall of flames.

Drake let out a demonic roar"it's time to end this"
he spun the halo three times
Hellfire! Maximum Drive!

Three anti halos formed on his shoulder and one on his back he rocketed into the the anti halos on his shoulder shot out flames that look like Phoenix wings he then came crashing down the aura of a red dragon covering him hitting kakashi dead center causing an explosion. "Your soul belongs to hell now

Neru 06/10/10 02:30 AM

Neru picked up the broken Triceratops memory as he placed it in a plastic bag. He looked at Drake and Kio, they seemed to have defeated their opponents as well. Seems like they were the new Kamen Riders after Double, but moving on, Neru walked over to a building, letting the Vulture Gadget land onto his palm. "Farewell Kamen Riders, I'll make sure to erase your Gaia Memories when the time comes..." Neru said under the mask, getting onto the SkullBoilder. He revved up his vehicle, and got onto the road. After he reached a large distance from those two, neru dehenshined, revealing his human form once again. "Gaia......Memories..." Neru muttered as he sped off to his apartment. Opening the door, Neru walked over to his desk, placing the shattered Gaia Memory on the table. "Hmph.....another one to my 'Victim List'." Neru whispered to himself as he opened a box, revealing more shattered Gaia memories.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/10/10 01:48 PM

Kio blinked when he heard Neru's remark about taking their gaia memories. Once the strange rider was gone he de-henshined, Fang and Tengu going back into their animalistic forms. "What a strange person...we have to watch out for that one. He seems to have something against gaia memories. Pity...he doesnt know the true purpose of our memories...to defeat those who would use other types for evil purposes. So Drake...yeah...surprise about me being fang huh?"

Drakeonis 06/12/10 03:18 AM

Kakashi was still miraculously in his dopant form tough in a massive amount of pain "Damn rider, i swear I'll have your blood on my hands soon" he then used his super speed to grab his comrades and ran.

Drake roared as flames poured from his body. He ignored kio and jumped straight over him his blade burst aflame and he ran in a inhuman rage at his new target... Shroud

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/12/10 09:51 AM

Kio blinked and rushed into place, stoping drake in his tracks. "Drake No! She isnt worth it. Dont let yourself be comsumed by rage. We are Kamen riders...we protect this city."

"He is right Drake. Take a deep breath and relax kid." A voice called from behind them both. It was shotaro. "I too have issues with that woman..after all the pain she put philip and myself through."

Drakeonis 06/15/10 04:05 PM

Drake roared again he shifted his gaze from shroud to kio and shotaro. He tignted his grip and brought the blade down on shroud . The blade came to a halt barely an inch from shrouds face before he threw it down to the ground and the hellfire memory flew off the driver hovering above it's master shoulder

"get out of my face now before I change my mind" he pointed his finger at shroud his whole hand on fire

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/15/10 04:19 PM

Shroud simply walked away silently as Shotaro placed a gentle hand on Drake's shoulder. "Its okay kiddo...take a deep breath." Shotaro then turned his attention to Kio. "I see you have fang...taking up philip's burden?"

"actualy...both since i also have joker." Kio pointed to the memory on the left hip. "Still...i dont blame Drake for wanting to end shroud...after what she did to him." Both Tengu and fang memories were taken off his driving and they turned back into their animal forms. Tengu floating above kio while fang stood beside him on the ground. "Names kio..its an honor to meet you Shotaro sempai."

"Good to meet you. Hey drake...remember what i told you about being hard-boiled. Dont let her get to you."

"Funny...coming from someone half-boiled." Philip retorted as he came outside.

"Oi! Philip...gah...why do you do this to me every time?"

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