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The Eye of Isis 03/12/07 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by kiraford5
oh yeah...im hilarious...

Oh guess what...i've just been made a Mod on mymostwanted.com/forum, which is like my fave forum (besides this one of course :wink: ) so, yall should join, and say freelelandchapman reffered ya!

Yes you are. :) And, congrads sweetie. That's Great.


kiraford5 03/12/07 10:21 AM


Razi 03/29/07 09:54 PM

Oh boy. Its been a while. I feel like I'm danced out.

Anyway, competitions for the year are OVER :)

We did well, and got silver for both lyrical and tap.

Next project(s)
*Children's play! Our school is doing "Briar Rose :the tale of Sleeping Beauty" and I get to be the Queen, Briar Rose's Mother. We do a tour to some of the elementary schools and have a perofrmance over the weekend. so it should be loads of fun
*2 IB essay. Stuff for school since I am in this honors progam.
*Take the SAT
*RAFTING TRIP!! I think I get to go rafting again this year with my school club, and it is always so much fun :)
*Dance recital/pictures. Oh boy, more fun :)
*Choir Spring concert and competition/festival in Anaheim. We perform @ Cal Sate Fullerton, and then get to go to Disneyland and chill.
*Find a new dance studio for next year. Its between Broadway By the Bay and Spindrift School of Performing Arts. I am danced out. I still wanna dance, but I think I might focus more towards musical theater and develop my voice before going off to college.


I know u guys probably don't wanna listen to all this nonsense, but I figured I would let you know whats going on. Cause I won't post for a while, but I will still come by. I have been making checks everyday just to make sure everyone is on their best behavior (and you have been)

So Take Care and Til Next time :)


DarkMan 03/30/07 11:26 AM

raze did u get a chance to take a look at my preposal?

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