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Windgrail2 03/23/02 02:11 AM

ok- let's pick out one tiny part of my post and ignore the actual message. That's becoming typical with you, CML.

Cross My Line 03/23/02 07:12 AM

I'm sorry. I didn't know I had to do a reply, and state answers or my own opinions to each and everyone of your points. :rolleyes

MiChaos 03/23/02 09:56 PM

Yeah, but Windgrail, lets look at some US episodes, like Changing of the Zords or maybe Chase into Space - US plotlines at their best. Did you remember the feeling you had inaide you when Lord Zedd said the immortal words "Teleport me to your Command Center and i will tell you in person" - with the good old musical cues in the background you were pleading Zordon not to teleport him in; or the feeling of seeing the ranger series linked together so superbly; or what about in Good as Gold when the Rangers grew and seeing them fight...anyway I digress. I believe, very strongly, that Power Rangers can succeed as well, if not better, without all but the basics of Sentai...not just the product quality is better, but so is the filming, musical and sound quality.

Needless to say, I do not like the new format of PR.

Cross My Line 03/24/02 08:44 AM

Preach on my brother. TESTIFY!!!

Windgrail2 03/24/02 10:02 PM

Oh no- you're forming a UNION!! But I agree with BOTH of ya about American footage providing fantastic memories. But what about the feeling when the evil Green Ranger grew along with Scorpina and Goldar to battle the Megazord at half-solar power, then the Megazord being "destroyed" and falling into the lava pit? The Rangers then looking down helplessly as each Zord sinks into oblivion. What about the Zords themselves? The transformation sequences of the original 3 Zords was superb. When America brought back Titanis for the Ninja and Shogun zords, the ultrazord sequences were craptacular. But hey, that was in the past right? In the beggining, PR needed Sentai. They have great chances of surviving without it today, but it's very risky.
Sentai gives PR a unique edge that no other tv show has, imo.

Cross My Line 03/24/02 10:14 PM

a Union? No. Two people sharing the same opinion? Yes. Stop being so silly:b

And yes, the zord battle you mentioned was indeed good and memorable, but I doubt it would have been, had it not been for the little skits between Tommy, Jason and Goldar in Rita's dark dimension. All of which was American footage.

go galactic 03/25/02 07:07 AM

my vote goes to the zipper obssesed villamax standing up to trakeena

Cross My Line 03/25/02 04:13 PM

Villamax could have been so much more........ it was a shame really how they wasted him. They were just trying to do another Ecliptor IMO.

go galactic 03/25/02 05:58 PM

an ecliptor made from zippers

MiChaos 03/25/02 08:16 PM

I will admit that Sentai gives PR a feel to it, and as I said earlier, I know PR needs Sentai...just not in the huge amounts of we are getting in PR at the moment. I think Power Rangers worked better in the "Zordon Era" of Power Rangers than the "Sentai Era". I loved the series crossovers, namely Hogday Afternoon ~ A Zeo Beginning and Chase into Space ~ From out of Nowhere - these crossovers gives Power Rangers a feeling that Sentai lacks...such as Elgar surviving into PRIS and Goldar being in Series 3 battles (namely the one against Ninjor in Changing of the Zords. This continuation is what defined PR...now its gone. That is the point I wanted to make to you, Windgrail.

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