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Esther 10/25/07 10:02 PM

Virginian was the guy with the "Porno" issues, right?

...if so...thank goodness!

Sweetened Angel 10/26/07 03:23 AM

Re: Virginian..

Originally Posted by Esther
Virginian was the guy with the "Porno" issues, right?

...if so...thank goodness!

:lol: i don't think so. i was on other site futurama forum there spambot post it about
porn sameway bot post here. that mean evirginian has nothing do with porn issues.

Sweetened Angel 11/04/07 07:32 PM

good news evil virginian not mod anymore. :D prangerx change look like 3 forum
on pr online.

greywolf 11/05/07 05:40 AM

That's good to hear. At least he hasn't been too bad hear lately.

DarkMan 11/05/07 03:59 PM

he has not been here at all

Asleepintheelement 11/05/07 09:21 PM

And for you people who havent noticed i cleaned up your forum of all your porn.

oh speaking of Travis, your little girly girl in the sig is pregnant.

Sweetened Angel 11/13/07 03:07 PM

joe, i need you get rid of spambot and ban.


Asleepintheelement 11/15/07 09:21 AM

Travis, there is a VERY fine line between harassing you, and doing my job. All you ever did was cause fights and stuck your nose into business that you shouldn't get into. I stepped in, but you can not understand what I mean for some reason. From this moment you are on VERY thin ice with me, and i suggest you cool it before you make a very bad mistake.

DarkMan 11/15/07 08:32 PM

and this is were i draw the line too with you joe unless you want your secrets of yourself and shelia to remain unknown i suggest you leave me alone your still a bonafied liar to me and your forgiveness was never meaningful so just leave me alone and everything will be all right besides if something did happen the revolution will be crippled beyond repair

oh yes dont mess with miley she's not pregnant you idiot

remember this joe how can you be so blinded when shelia was the one who decided to start all this and yet i was the one who was banned and yet she got away with everything why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? favoratism BLIND STUPID SIMPLE DO-DAH CLUELESS FAVORTISM

and everyone you all underestimate me

Asleepintheelement 11/16/07 04:56 PM

Bad move. I gave you fair warning. I did. PRX said it was a fair, clear warning.

Banned for 2 Days. I am not playing around. I am not a nice guy when it comes to something like trying to keep this place clean. YOU are not helping anyone out, and now you seem to know a lot more than you say you do. If I find anything that ties these spammers to you, you are officially done.

Topic closed.

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