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Cross My Line 04/29/02 03:02 PM

Why? He may have gotten sick of the color green so replaced it with white.

MiChaos 04/29/02 07:39 PM

And the point I was making was that he created apparently numerous powers, each with different amounts of Rangers (5 or 6), different colours, different fighting machines, not just Zords. Why would there be a green Ninja Coin? What about a Green Ninja Zord, where would that fit into the MegaFalconzord configeration?

Cross My Line 04/29/02 10:24 PM

*nods* Seeing as he did create the Alien Ranger powers, if there is another Green coin, its most probably going to be with them.

Especially seeing as their Battle Borgs don't form up at all.

MorphinTime 04/30/02 02:24 AM

You're right. A green ninja zord wouldnt fit. Of course, it is kinda funny that a ranger that had only been created for a few months already had a ninja coin and zord, yet a ranger that had been around for 10,000+ years and was, with out a doubt, the strongest origional ranger, wouldnt. Another thing, the coin isnt with the aquartian rangers, because they are a group of only five, and dont even have a pink ranger.

Cross My Line 04/30/02 02:59 PM

Um..... when Zordon and Alpha created the White Ranger, the could have been basing it on the mythical White Ninja Ranger, as at that time they didn't know if the myth of Ninjor was true or not.
Those Ninja powers could have been around just as long as the Dino Coins.

MorphinTime 05/01/02 09:14 PM

I am the only person who remembers the fact that Ninjor was the creator of the power coins?

Cross My Line 05/02/02 02:42 PM

No you're not. But you're the only one that doesn't seem to be able to understand that just because he did create the Dino Coins doesn't automatically mean he'd use the same colors for other sets of coins.

Who's to say, that both didn't have a legend, a myth surrounding them?

fire1823 07/18/02 01:55 PM

Power Rangers
I bought the VCDs or MMPR through PRIS on ebay; this is the 411 on the powers.

The zeo crystal originated on Eltar and is the bases for all of the other powers. The other powers were created because the zeo crystal/s were missing.

Ninjor created the power coins. He didn't create any of the other powers (except the ninja powers, duh).

The zeo powers are the original powers. Zedd once tried to posess them but was left disfigured (thats why he doesn't have skin and what-not).

The zeo powers are alive and well. Zordon created the turbo powers as an upgrade of the zeo powers. The rangers just kinda quite using the zeo powers.

The turbo powers were connected with the morphing grid. When the grid went so did they.

Only the coins for the original powers were distroyed. Zordon said that they would return someday (except for the green powers which were bound to the green candle) and then he told the rangers of the zeo powers; which were only ment to be used as a substitute untill the day the dino powers return (even though zeo power was supposed to be more powerfull than the dino powers).

The thing about there being a white ninja coin is just coincidence; the most common colors are red, blue, yellow, green, black, pink and white.

The 2 "living" cars from turbo were captured when Divitox raided the power chamber. That's why they are around later.

The Phantom Ranger is from Eltar. Zordon knows him but never reviels anything to the rangers.

All of the different kinds of rangers make cameos at the end of PRIS except the android turbo rangers. This points to their probable demise. They were on Eltar when it was attacked and a turbo morpher show up that still works (the android rangers were not linked to a morphing grid). This would explain why Justin could morph; but if there was a morpher for justin then there are probably turbo morphers left from the other robots.

Adam could still morph into the MMPR black ranger but it was/ is very dangerous (it hurt Adam to morph when he did it in PRIS) and the power could be lost forever. This is one of the reasons Zordon and Alpha give the rangers for needed to search for the zeo crystals at the end of MMPR.

Zordon and Alpha could make coins more coins if they wanted, but as seen in the white ranger saga it appears to be very difficult and dangerous.

Forget about the clone green ranger. Those episodes involve lots of time travel. So unless you have a firm grasp of quantam mechanics and know the 2 big theories about time (time as a river/ branches and predestination) you should leave this alone or your head will explode. There is no easy way to explain this.
If the clone green ranger was a ranger in the old west, then Zordon would have had the green coin instead of Rita (Zordon said the coin had been lost for like, 10,000 years). This means that when the rangers went back in time they probably created an alternate timeline. This might explain why Kim is the only person with any memory of it (she could be time displaced). Or when the rangers back in time it created a new timeline in which the rest of the searies takes place; which means that there could really be a second, lost green coin (If Rita had the coin in the other timeline she, or another evil person probably still has it). Besides, different races mixing in the old west? No way did that ever happen. Theories about time travel make my ears bleed. :(

fire1823 07/18/02 02:01 PM

white ninja ranger
Forget trying to explain the white ninja ranger. The ninja powers were just something to get kids to buy more zords, like the thunderzords were.

Why doesn't anybody every wonder why, if the rangers have new power represented by new animals, then why do they still keep the same costumes. If Rocky is the ape then why keep a t-rex on his helmit?

Contempoize, man.

JZSpock 09/30/02 05:29 PM

Re: white ninja ranger
then people would get confused, and think MMPR the Movie was the series pilot for a new series. Hey, it happened with Turbo.

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