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Yellow Fan Forever 12/05/16 01:06 PM

Re: How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?
They would have had to come up with a reason for Maya being there. And later Karone. Also an excuse for Kendrix's absense would have been needed.

Galaxy Supreme 12/05/16 01:09 PM

Re: How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?
Its worth noting the kid stowaway didn't get it that much trouble himself.. They just got him a job. Of course it did seem hypocritical for the Rangers to be so high and mighty about him stowing away. Since Leo, Damon, and Maya weren't supposed to be there.

MMPR Supreme 12/05/16 01:14 PM

Re: How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?
It was also pretty bad that they wouldn't bring him home themselves. The kid was wrong but punishing him by not letting him go home was cruel. If it weren't for his heroics they would have just left him there.

Zordon's Legacy Exposed 12/05/16 01:20 PM

Re: How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?
The LG Team had no mentor but they coule he just as ruthless as Zordon at times. The situation. with the stowaway was one of them. I don't know if Zordon would like that about them or feel threatened since they mught disobey him. We saw what happened to Zordon felt no longer were going to follow in orders unquestioned. The LG Rangers certainly operated like they were above the law various times.

I still say there was an unseen force in the Terra Venture hierachy that protected them. Since they knew they were Rangers. It makes too much sense and has some implicit on screen evidence. But I already posted about this.

No Green Spandex 12/05/16 01:27 PM

Re: How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?
I think the problem with taking Matthew home was the fact it left the station at risk to Scorpious' potential attacks..Plus the journey back might be dangerous to the Rangers. As they themselves never took The Megaship out that far. There was probably a lot of debate about it that we didn't see. It was a much more complicated issue .

They had to weigh what was the right thing to do with Matthew versus what was the best thing to do for Terra Venture. To be frank, Matthew caused his own problems by stowing away. But at the same time he was just a kid so the Rangers had to wiegh that too. The fact Matthew helped to save the day was just another reason to put the idea of bringing Matt home over the top.

Space Nerd 12/05/16 01:29 PM

Re: How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?
To add to what you said, the preperations for a long journey back to Earth probably took time and careful planning. The Colony had to be pretty far away by that point.

Space Hero 12/06/16 11:32 PM

Re: How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?
I can buy that there was some sort of knowledge high up on who the Rangers were. The same way that NASADA guy knew to listen to Justin in Turbo.

Kimberly Hart 12/08/16 09:12 PM

Re: How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?
Leo always rubbed me the wrong way. I am not sure why.

Green Saba 12/08/16 09:23 PM

Re: How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?
Leo slipped through the cracks. Once the ship got going the focus was elsewhere and not on the stowaway search.

Krypto Ranger 12/08/16 09:35 PM

Re: How did Leo stay on Terra Venture?
It didn't really make sense. But a lot of stuff in LG's first half or so didn't make sense.

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