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Kaoskid 01/17/18 10:22 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
The Ogre, who was barely holding off two knights, is thrown for a loop by the attack of Benny. He kicks Alec away and attempts to fend off the axe with his club, only for the lance to catch his exposed flank. Turning to Strawn only gave Alec a second to return to strike him in the leg. Blocking Alec's sword only gave the others openings.

"Isn't 3 on 1 a little unfair?" He grumbled

"Says the ten foot tall, half a ton ogre." Alec grumbled. Despite his snark, Alec was tired. He was catching a lot of blows and it was starting to drain his stamina.

Hexagon Ranger 01/23/18 05:38 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn could see the Red Ranger getting tired.

"I got your back man"

Strawn twirled his Lance and began striking the Ogre repeatly.

Kaoskid 01/27/18 03:19 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Sparks flew as the Ogre was wounded. The club shattered into pieces.

Quantum Hunter 01/29/18 01:27 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny looks up at hiw new comrads and is impressed

"Thats awesome guys! But what do we do now" .

Hexagon Ranger 01/29/18 01:28 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Well he is down for the count so lets triple team him to finish him"said Strawn

Hayley Oliver 01/29/18 01:34 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Morphers: Manacles on each arm

Morph Call: Break The Fate

Morph Sequence: Ranger crosses their arms. A chain of energy in their color appears on the manacles. They yell the morph call and uncross their arms, breaking the chains. They create the Rangers uniform on the body, patterned after the chainmail of knights.

Standard weapons: Knight Blades, a sword/blaster combo weapon

Transport: Knight Steeds. A mechanical horse in the ranger's color that can transform into a motorcycle. They are completely sentient and rangers can name them

Yellow Ranger: Marlena is a descendent of Morgana. She has always had nightmares about her return. And only learns they are based on reality when she becomes a Ranger. Marlena is ashamed of her heitage and affraid that she will turn evil like her evil ancestor. She thus is very loyal to the Rangers and wants to make up for her bloodline's crimes. Her main weapon is the Double Mace. She is also skilled in Ninjitsu.She may have magical potential down the line.

Marlena watches on as the three heroes battle the monster. And remembers this from her dreams. She looks with shame at the old wizard besides them. But also feels she needs to help the three worriers. Perhaps her nightmares were all too real.

Quantum Hunter 01/29/18 01:40 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny readies his axe determined to help his new friends.

" Lets finish him then!"

Hexagon Ranger 01/29/18 01:41 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"You bet! " says Strawn as he positions his axe for the final strike. "On your command Red."

Kaoskid 02/01/18 07:53 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec powers up his blade. " Alright, Knights. FINAL SLASH!"

A red energy flew as Alec slashed down with all his might.

Hexagon Ranger 02/01/18 11:48 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn's blade glows black as he makes his final strike.

Quantum Hunter 02/01/18 11:49 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny follows suit and makes his axes glow blue. He then strikes the Ogre just like his new friends.

Kaoskid 02/03/18 12:48 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
The Ogre explodes in a massive fireball of dark magic.

Merlin looked over at the newcomer. "Marlena....the blood of Morgana and Mordred run in your veins. I would be remiss to trust you, but it would be equally foolish to deny aid when dark magic is in the air. Join the others. Introduce yourselves. I will prepare the hideout."

Alec laughed in exhaustion and exhilaration. "Can you believe this? We just took down a monster twice our size with magic swords from an ancient time."

Hayley Oliver 02/03/18 08:13 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena lowers her head in shame. As Merlin just confirmed what she always knew in her heart. She was of the Morgana and Modred line. Just like in her nightmares. Was she evil herself? How could see become a Ranger? What !made her deserve this?

"I can't do it. You shouldn't trust me. I feel Morgana's evil and I don't know if it will overtake me."

Hexagon Ranger 02/03/18 08:15 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Then leave! Why should we trust her? It sounds like Morgana is bad news and how do we know if she doesn't work for her already. Besides we just kickeded that Orge's behind ourselves. We don't need anyone else."

Quantum Hunter 02/03/18 08:24 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny felt a strange comrade with Marlena and felt that they could trust her. Maybe it eas because his owm confidence in his ability worth as a Ranger was in question. He could sympathize with her and also knew ones fsmily didn't determine theie own self worth

"No Black. Marlena is an innocent. She can't control the fact that she is a relative of Morgana. But she can control what she does now. I am related to no one and struggle to understand why I am a Ranger too. Marlena,you're not alone. Let's help each other."

Kaoskid 02/03/18 12:57 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec looked at the new ranger and nodded along with Benny.

"You make an excellent point. We can not help our bloodlines. We can not change the past, but we can always make our own future. Marlena, If you want to make your own path, you can start here at our sides."

Hayley Oliver 02/04/18 09:47 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena was moved by Alec and Benny's words. And deep down she knew she wanted to make a difference. She walked forward somewhat reluctantly but knew she had to try to help.

" What can I do to help ?"

Kaoskid 02/04/18 04:47 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin returned, seamlessly replying to Marlena's question despite not being anywhere near them. "You can start by following me."

The old wizard led the young heroes to a cave. Or so it seemed from the outside. Once they entered, it transformed into a massive hall. Corridors led to a training room, a stable, and an armory. In the center was a round table with a pool of water in the center.

"This is our base of operations. I will live here and summon you when Morgana makes her move. The Cauldron of Clairvoyance can show events of the past and present. If any of you have any questions about your roles, or the ones who came before, ask now and I will show you."

Hexagon Ranger 02/04/18 05:02 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Well this is on you guys for trusting her it's anything happens. I'll be watching you Marlena".

Strawn looks around the room and is impressed.

" But I have to admit this is a really cool place. "

Hayley Oliver 02/04/18 05:03 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"I won't let you guys down. But how do I morph?" said Marlena.

Kaoskid 02/04/18 11:42 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec lifted up his arms and crossed them. "First you do this. The manacles will activate once your arms are crossed." The manacles formed a red chain. "Then you uncross your arms and yell Break The Fate as loud as you can. Like this." Alec yanked his arms apart, yelling "Break The Fate!" The chain shattered, then reformed on Alec's body as his uniform.

"And now you are a Ranger. With a cool sword." Alec unsheathed his knight blade. " Pretty awesome."

Hayley Oliver 02/05/18 07:28 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Okay, Break The Fate!"

As the energy encircled Marlena she felt a power she never felt before. She soon found herself clad in Yellow Ranger Gear.

"This is amazing!"

Kaoskid 02/06/18 09:27 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin nodded.

"The magic that powers you is of the the Summer Fae. It flows into you from Camelot." And here he gestured to the pool and an image arose from it like smoke.

The image solidified into a band of knights, seated around a round table. Their swords corresponded to the blades the rangers held.

"The ideals of Camelot will guide you. To use your might for courage, honor, hope, mercy, justice, loyalty and right. That is the meaning of your pledge."

The image shifted to show Morgana Le Fay and Mordred. Morgana was tall, with pointed earth to reveal her Fae heritage, wearing what could only be described as an armored battle-dress. She held a staff made of Rowan wood, the opposite of Merlin's own Yew staff, decorated with gilded mandrake and sigils. Eyes the color of dark forests glowed underneath a crown of black metal thorns.

Mordred was about as tall as Hunk, covered from neck to toe in silver and black armor. His sword, Clarent, bled with black and red energy, polluted from his touch.

"And this is your enemy, Morgana Le Fae. One of the most powerful and wicked sorceresses I know of. Her son, Mordred was a swordsman nearly equal to Lancelot or Arthur. Now, as an undead revenant, his skills have become enhanced by his inability to feel pain. They lead an army of monsters and fallen knights. You must combat them wherever they appear." Merlin winced and sat down, suddenly out of breath.

Quantum Hunter 02/06/18 09:42 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny caught Merlin.

"Are you okay?"

Kaoskid 02/06/18 10:14 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin sighed.

"I am old. Older than this country. I get dizzy and weak at random times. It just means I need rest." Merlin straightened up. "Explore our base at your leisure. Eat if you hunger, or take the Steeds and head home. I will summon you for training once I am well."

Hayley Oliver 02/06/18 10:22 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena was scared by the images of Morgana and Mordred. As they were from her nightmares. The thought of being their descendents made her feel sick and full of fear. Marlena had to run. She demorphed jumped on her steed and rode off. Send ended up in he quarry alone. A place she often went to collect her thoughts.

Hexagon Ranger 02/06/18 10:25 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn decided to look around the base. After a brief self tour, he started to train.

Quantum Hunter 02/06/18 10:25 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Shouldn't we find Marlena"?

Kimberly Hart 02/06/18 10:29 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Morphers: Manacles on each arm

Morph Call: Break The Fate

Morph Sequence: Ranger crosses their arms. A chain of energy in their color appears on the manacles. They yell the morph call and uncross their arms, breaking the chains. They create the Rangers uniform on the body, patterned after the chainmail of knights.

Standard weapons: Knight Blades, a sword/blaster combo weapon

Transport: Knight Steeds. A mechanical horse in the ranger's color that can transform into a motorcycle. They are completely sentient and rangers can name them

Pink Ranger: Gwen Stacy. A star soccer player and the popular girl in school. She is also a natural leader. She can be somewhat stuck up due to her status as Queen Bee of her high school. She is unknowingly the descendent of Guinevere. She is also an ace in archery.

Kaoskid 02/07/18 12:12 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Alec rose to his feet. "Benny. I am going after Marlena. You can come with after you make sure our old wizard is properly rested." Alec walked over to the stables and found his steed. The horse was massive, red as Alec's armor with eyes the color of a wild fire.

......"Wildfire. That is what I will call you. Think you can find our friend, Wildfire?"

The horse snorted and let Alec on. And they were off, like the wind.

Kimberly Hart 02/07/18 07:33 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Gwen Stacy was at the local juice bar with all the popular girl. They were laughing and talking about how the embarrashing things that happened to one of the other girls at school. Gwen talked the most since she was the ring leader. Plus she hated the other girl. Who dared to try to be more popular than herself. Gwen had no idea that her life might have a bigger calling. Nor that there was anything more important than being the Queen Bee.

Kaoskid 02/07/18 10:28 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin showed Benny and Hunk the training arena.

"Here you can train any of your fighting skills. The stones on the wall summon an illusion of one of the knights of old to train you. " Merlin tapped the nearest stone, and an illusion of Sir Kay appeared. "Kay is the best to learn basic swordsmanship from. Someday you will be able to move up to Gawain and Bedivere, but for now-"

Merlin stopped as one of the unclaimed swords glowed. "Another has been found. I will return." He vanished in a swirl of green and white light.

Near Gwen, everything except her slowed to a stop. Merlin appeared before her.

"Gwen Stacy? The world has need of you."

Quantum Hunter 02/08/18 11:17 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Benny decided that now wasn't the time to train. He went after Marlena on his steed. Joining Alec in the process.

Hexagon Ranger 02/08/18 11:20 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Strawn didn't understand what they saw in Marlena and didn't know where Merlin went. So he decided to train with Gwiane. He picked up his sword and locked in in with his opponent.

Kimberly Hart 02/08/18 11:31 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Gwen looked around and was shocked to see her friends amd everyone around her frozen. She was surprised to see a mysterious old man.

"I don't know who you are you old creep but what did you do to my friends? And your crazy if you think I am going with you. "

Kaoskid 02/08/18 02:50 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I am Merlin, last of the old wizards. In your blood is the power of Camelot. You are descended from Guinevere of Camelot." The pink sword glowed with power. "You may not believe me now, but dark forces gather. You will do well to know how to defend yourself."

Gwaine was fast and strong. He would switch from one-handed quick strikes to powerful two handed blows with ease, with occasional hand strikes or kicks to disorient Strawn.

Hayley Oliver 02/09/18 12:02 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Marlena thinks about Morgana and Mordred. She knows she has dreamed about them and is afraid that she will turn out to be evil. Yet she knows the Rangsrs neee her. But how can they trust her if she can't even trust herself? Marelena starts to jogg as she tends to do when she is trying to clear her mind.

Kimberly Hart 02/09/18 12:04 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"I don't know who you are or what you did to my friends....But there is no way I am going anywhere with you! Do you actually expect me to believe you? You probably just drugged my friends. I'm going to call the cops!"

Kaoskid 02/09/18 08:19 PM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
Merlin sighed. " Fine. Do not believe me. But at least take the sword. Soon, you will see my words are true."

Alec smiled warmly at Benny as he caught up. The new friend was a welcome change of pace. Usually, Alec did not make friends easily. The two finally caught up with Marlena. "Hey, Yellow. Want to talk about it, or you gonna bolt again?"

Hayley Oliver 02/10/18 07:54 AM

Re: Power Rangers Legendary Knights
"Sorry guys. Its just seeing Morgana and Mordred just made me think of my fears. You see I have always had nightmares about them. And until now I thought they were just nightmares. But now they are real and I have always had this fear that I am evil."

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