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Kai Broughton 10/31/14 07:40 PM

Re: Digimon Adventure
True well saban was originally a dubbing company

Craig Brown 10/31/14 07:41 PM

Re: Digimon Adventure
Fusion ends in 2016, will be waiting a long time.

MattEmily 10/31/14 07:41 PM

Re: Digimon Adventure
John Cooper they probably will I just hope it matches with the original Adventure quality. Kai Broughton I'm not really sure what the story is behind Joshua Seth since some people say he retired and some say he just wasn't able to do the ADR for Tai for the second Diaboromon movie due to being busy.

Anthony Pedersen 10/31/14 07:42 PM

Re: Digimon Adventure
Joshua Seth did say for the right money he would love to return as Tai, but yes the story is true, in 2005 he retired from acting to focus on stage performing. But has had a few tv specials in Japan and South Korea (Which I think involved his one-man stage show).

MattEmily 10/31/14 07:43 PM

Re: Digimon Adventure
let's hope they can get him back then but it probably depends on how many Adventure characters come back.

MattEmily 11/14/14 11:29 AM

Re: Digimon Adventure
We can assume the original Digidestined (Tai, Kari, Matt, T.K, Mimi, Sora, Izzy, Joe) and their Digimon partners will be there but because back then they used an actor for almost every different form (except for the Gatomon line) it will be interesting to see what happens. Here's a listing of the related voice actors for the original Digidestined and their Digimon.

Actors/Actresses that are in green are the ones that did work forr Digimon Fusion.
The actors/actresses that are in blue are the ones that I'm 100% provided their Digimon voice for the Digimon All Star Rumble game.

Tai = Joshua Seth (Jason Spisak replaced the original actor)
Koromon = Brianne Siddal
Agumon = Tom Fahn
Greymon = Michael Lindsay
MetalGreymon = Joseph Pilato
WarGreymon = Lex Lang
Kari = Lara Jill Miller
Salamon/Gatomon/Angewomon = Edie Mirman
Matt = Michael Reisz
Tsunomon/Gabumon/Garurumon/WereGarurumon/MetalGarurumon = Kirk Thornton
T.K = Doug Erholtz
Tokomon = Laura Summer
Patamon = Laura Summer (Bridgette Hoffman did the replacement voice of him)
Angemon/MagnaAngemon = Dave Mallow
Mimi = Philece Sampler
Tanemon/Palmon = Anna Garduno. (Philece Sampler and Dorothy Elias-Fahn were used for replacing the voice after Anna left)
Togemon = Mari Devon
Lillymon = Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Sora = Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Yokomon/Biyomon = Tifanie Christun
Birdramon/Garudamon = Melodee Spevack
Izzy = Mona Marshall
Motimon = Joshua Seth
Tentomon/Kabuterimon/MegaKabuterimon = Jeff Nimoy
Joe = Michael Lindsay
Gomamon/Ikkakumon = Robert Martin Klein
Zudomon = Michael Sorich

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