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Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/17/10 10:44 PM

Kio steped off his bike as the police began running away and walked calmly up to the dophants.

"EH? Whats this? Someone with a deathwish? well i can do that easily....gah!" He didnt finish his sentice for at that exact moment Fang jumped and attacked, hitting the magma dophant hard then going to Kio's hand.

"Listen i will only say this once. Give up now and trow away your gaia memories. If you do i am sure the police will be lenient with you."

"As if i would give up all this power. What kind of idiots do you take us for?" The t-rex nodded in agreement.

"So be it. I tried but you guys jut want to be idiots." Kio slaped on his driver and changed fang into its memory form then pressed the button. Fang "Henshin." He placed fang into position. As soon as it changed into a raptor head on the driver it repeated its name and with a whirl of blue and white energy Kio transformed into Kamen Rider Fang. Kio then struck a pose and pointed at them, palm down. "Now..lets count your crimes. hehe...i always wanted to say that."

Drakeonis 04/17/10 11:01 PM

Drake arrived on the the scene noticing the fight going on between kio and the magma and t-Rex dopants

"alright this is for ruining my game pulling out his heat memory

HEAT!! his lost driver appered on his waist and slotted it into the terminal

"Henshin" slammed the side apart transforming into kamen rider heat

"Now let's gamble" his fist covered in fire

KamenRiderDA 04/17/10 11:42 PM

Ryuga came speeding on his bike and noticed two other guys in rider armor "No way, there are other riders now" he then stopped his bike at the site got off and walked towards the riders and dopant

"This is Official police business I need you two to step back and let me handle this" he then took out his Accel memory "Accel" it said as he pressed a button "Henshin!!" he then placed it in to the Accel driver and twisted the handle bar on the Driver

he was then engulfed in flames when the flames disappeared Ryuga sttod there as Kamen Rider Accel "Now let's break away" he then pulled out the Engine Blade and charged towards the dopant

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/18/10 12:01 AM

Kio blinked as the two new riders jumped in and sighed as Accel told him to back off. "Sorry pal but that's not going to happen. I got here first so its my call...besides i gave them the opportunity to surrender."

He taped the horn on fang once and it called out Arm Fang. Instantly a blade appeared on Kio's right arm and he started slicing the magma dophant.

"Gah...i dont care who you are or how many...you wont beat us." It smashed the ground causing a streak of magma to launch at accell and kio. Kio jumped out of the way.

Meanwhile the t-rex roared and sent out a shockwave at the other rider.

KamenRiderToriga 04/18/10 12:08 AM

Ren looked at the three other riders in confusion.

"Your kidding me? My god, how many Memories did the woman give out?" he asked. Ren fired his gun off at the T-Rex Dopant to get its attention. He then withdrew the Cyclone Memory.


Ren transformed. "Songs over" he said before grabbing his swords.

Drakeonis 04/18/10 12:20 AM

Drake looked at the other rider

"woah shroud really gets around,but I'm not leaveing" he jumped and punches the T-Rex in the face

"how's that"

KamenRiderToriga 04/18/10 12:34 AM

"Not bad" Ren agreed. He spun his left hook downward before running in. Ren slashed the T-Rex across his face/chest. Ren then slid it onto the side of his belt and grabbed the Wolf Weston.

"Why don't we find out what happens when wind and fire mix?" Ren proposed.

Kamen Rider Dragoon 04/18/10 12:49 AM

Kio saw the two riders go after the t-rex wich roared in pain. He smiled at himself. "Shroud you sneaky girl." He then turned his attention to the magma dophant and continued his assult. The monster growled and staggered backwards. "Last chance...give up. I would rather end this nicely."

"All of you can go to hell!"

Kio sighed. "Fine...i guess i have no choice."

Drakeonis 04/18/10 01:01 AM

"sure,let's do it" he then charged his fist covering it in fire

"DIE you bastards!!" the t-Rex ran at the two riders attempting to bite down on drakes body.

drake dodged and grabbed the t-rex mouths and lifted it open wider and then punched it dead in the face with the fire fist

He turned ren "your turn"

KamenRiderDA 04/18/10 11:34 AM

After everyone attacked the dopant Ryuga went in and started to attack with his engine blade "think you can handle me" he slashed the dopant three times, the dopant tried to counter but Ryuga stepped a few paces back "looks like your tougher than i thought" he then opened up the Engine Blade and placed the engine memory in it "Jet" came a voice from the blade "looks like i might need help after all" Ryuga said to the other riders "you guys ready!"

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