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Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/10/10 01:48 PM

Kio blinked when he heard Neru's remark about taking their gaia memories. Once the strange rider was gone he de-henshined, Fang and Tengu going back into their animalistic forms. "What a strange person...we have to watch out for that one. He seems to have something against gaia memories. Pity...he doesnt know the true purpose of our memories...to defeat those who would use other types for evil purposes. So Drake...yeah...surprise about me being fang huh?"

Drakeonis 06/12/10 03:18 AM

Kakashi was still miraculously in his dopant form tough in a massive amount of pain "Damn rider, i swear I'll have your blood on my hands soon" he then used his super speed to grab his comrades and ran.

Drake roared as flames poured from his body. He ignored kio and jumped straight over him his blade burst aflame and he ran in a inhuman rage at his new target... Shroud

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/12/10 09:51 AM

Kio blinked and rushed into place, stoping drake in his tracks. "Drake No! She isnt worth it. Dont let yourself be comsumed by rage. We are Kamen riders...we protect this city."

"He is right Drake. Take a deep breath and relax kid." A voice called from behind them both. It was shotaro. "I too have issues with that woman..after all the pain she put philip and myself through."

Drakeonis 06/15/10 04:05 PM

Drake roared again he shifted his gaze from shroud to kio and shotaro. He tignted his grip and brought the blade down on shroud . The blade came to a halt barely an inch from shrouds face before he threw it down to the ground and the hellfire memory flew off the driver hovering above it's master shoulder

"get out of my face now before I change my mind" he pointed his finger at shroud his whole hand on fire

Kamen Rider Dragoon 06/15/10 04:19 PM

Shroud simply walked away silently as Shotaro placed a gentle hand on Drake's shoulder. "Its okay kiddo...take a deep breath." Shotaro then turned his attention to Kio. "I see you have fang...taking up philip's burden?"

"actualy...both since i also have joker." Kio pointed to the memory on the left hip. "Still...i dont blame Drake for wanting to end shroud...after what she did to him." Both Tengu and fang memories were taken off his driving and they turned back into their animal forms. Tengu floating above kio while fang stood beside him on the ground. "Names kio..its an honor to meet you Shotaro sempai."

"Good to meet you. Hey drake...remember what i told you about being hard-boiled. Dont let her get to you."

"Funny...coming from someone half-boiled." Philip retorted as he came outside.

"Oi! Philip...gah...why do you do this to me every time?"

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