View Full Version : Countdown or Legendary Battle?

Super Cena
05/30/20, 04:26 PM
Which episode do you like better?

Countdown To Destruction or Legendary Battle?

Frankly Jason
05/30/20, 04:27 PM
Can I cheat and say Forever Red lol.

Countdown to Destruction
05/30/20, 10:22 PM
Countdown was the best by far. Legendary Battle was good in theory but horrible in execution .I would rather watch Once A Ranger then that mess.

Captain Codfish
05/30/20, 10:23 PM
I think LB is way underrated. But I loved Countdown too. So I have to say its a tie for me.

Mega Mission
05/30/20, 10:23 PM
Legendary Battle all the way!

Lightspeed Zeo
05/30/20, 10:24 PM
Countdown. But I always felt that was a bit overrated. LB was just plan bad.

Massive Ego
05/30/20, 10:25 PM
Countdown To Destruction is miles ahead. Legendary Battle was a hot mess, but Megaforce was total garbage, so its not a big surprise.

MMPR Storm
05/30/20, 10:27 PM
I didn't like how the older Rangers didn't get to defeat the UAE. At least some of them were part of Legendary Battle.